Test shownamespace
From FollowTheScore
Test | shownamespace |
show articles from several namespaces
article name must contain an "e". This will show normal articles, templates, images, categories etc.
<DPL> titlematch=%e% shownamespace=true </DPL>
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No parameter option supplied for ' '. (Missing '=')
- Test5554
- 2008-02-16 best time ever
- Nowa kategoria
- Test 001
- Test 002
- Test 003
- Test 004
- Test 005
- Test 006
- Test 007
- Test 008
- 2008/08/23 SD test
- Event template zh-tw
- Event intro zh-tw
- Property:Age
- Student
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters (print version)
- Test what links here with categories page
- Abc/def
- Page in Test-1
- Page in Test 1
- My very special event (2007/03/01)
- Mechanics
- Bruxelles city
- Task prepare meal
- A ECP-00055 test page
- Pseudo Namespace:Dummy
- 2007-08-24 jehhu
- Test Dummy
- Testpage
- Test transclusion bug 2
- Stachoo test
- The Colour of Magic
- The Smell of Future
- Article with underscore
- The Light Fantastic
- Page A
- Page H
- Todotest3
- Page D
- Page E
- Activity Page 1
- Activity Page 2
- Chess
- Cezanne
- Trombone
- Page
- Text
- Date
- Test calendar May 2007
- Test calendar June 2007
- Test calendar July 2007
- Test calendar August 2007
- Test calendar September 2007
- Test calendar October 2007
- Test calendar November 2007
- Number
- Boolean
- Temperature
- Todotest1
- Page B
- Page C
- Page F
- VolkoV Test A Cat B
- VolkoV Test B Cat C
- 2007-06-01 Test Event
- Geographic coordinate
- Distinct test
- 1007/05/26 Nice Calendar :)
- Todotest2
- 2007/05/11 Calender Check
- Muro di Berlino
- 2007-06-21 boo waz here
- YYYY-12-24 Christmas Eve
- YYYY/mm/dd my event name
- 2007/06/12 some other event
- DPL Example 007 main page 2
- Test Amp/2
- 2007/06/15 Test2 event
- DPL Example 007 sub page 11
- DPL Example 007 sub page 12
- DPL Example 007 sub page 21
- DPL Example 007 sub page 22
- DPL Example 007 sub page 23
- DPL Example 007 sub page 24
- DPL Example 007 sub page 25
- DPL Example 007 sub page 26
- 2007/06/24 Desparate
- 2007-08-13 testing
- Berlin
- 2007/07/25 St Jaume!
- Page G
- Gallery 3
- 2007/04/22 test1
- 2007/06/09 Test by tao.li
- Page size test page 1
- Test Amp2
- Bob Jones Out Sick
- 2009-01-24 test2
- 2007/05/19 Update
- Table Bug 4
- 2007-11-27 Test number 12345
- Some Article 6
- Heidelberg
- Table Bug 3
- VolkoV Test C Cat A
- 2009-01-01 iyo test
- 2007-04-19 test 19th april
- 2007-09-05 Out of office
- Vienna
- 2008-04-01 test
- 2008-08-31 SRM recovery test
- 19/04/2007 stpeterkomet
- 2008-01-29 Test2
- Test 1.13 issue
- 2007-02-15 My very special event
- 2007-04-19 Test Florian
- 2007-06-03 Project Alpha
- Test Simple Forms 2
- 2007/06/05 Evenement maintenance
- 2007/06/30 Month name not displaying
- Ploticus Demodata
- 2007/06/16 Paul's Event
- W:de:Benutzer:Unendlich
- 2007/10/31 Halloween
- Table Bug 2
- 2007-08-30 Installation Calendar in personal wiki
- Equal Rites
- 2007-04-05 Some Event
- 2007/04/06 my event
- 2007/06/30 gave up to install this calendar
- 2007/08/28 today is the day
- 2007-09-15 my evers
- 2007/04/03 Daniels verjaardag
- Gallery 3 sub
- DPL Example 007 main page 1
- 2007/04/30 Mon événement
- 2007-08-23 testing
- Flute
- An article which is only referenced by a DPL query
- 2007-08-05 shit happens
- Test5555
- Muha Test
- Test uses
- 2008-10-31 Project1 Kick-off
- 2009-07-02 vacaciones
- 2007/07/04 Jeremy BDay
- 2007/05/17 test event
- Berliner Mauer
- 2007-03-30 My very special event
- 2007/03/05 third test event
- 2010-02-14 San Valentín
- 2007/04/28 my event name
- 2007/05/03 my event name
- 2008/11/12 Test
- 2007-08-10 birthdaytest
- 2007/06/04 en la fing
- 2007/06/06 Test
- 2007/06/22 test
- 2007/6/11 try out calendaring in mediawiki
- 2007/06/15 Kevin out today
- 2007/06/22 hello
- YYYY/mm/dd FSTest
- 2007/07/10 A new wiki is born
- 2008-08-28 vtest testing
- 2010-05-05 testowy event
- Templates in Redirection
- 2007/06/03 June event
- 2007/06/01 some event
- 2007/04/26 some event
- 2007/04/30 Un autre événement
- 2007/05/05 hackeln
- 2008-09-28 I think I have it working
- 2007/04/16 my test event
- /mm/dd my event name
- 2007-03-05 test event two
- 2007-08-10 iso8601test
- YYYY-mm-dd my event name
- 2007-09-06me me me
- 2007-09-21 Day after tomorrow
- 2007/06/24 just another test
- Some Article 4
- 2007-07-22 Jocs especials a la Trinitat
- 2007/04/25 DougTest
- 2007/05/02 Sat Test
- 2007/03/05 Test Event
- 2007 04 03 daniels verjaardag
- 2007/04/05 my event name
- 2007-09-22 test
- 2007/05/07 take wife out for movie -- Spiderman?
- 2007/04/18 this events is still upcomng
- 2007-01-01 Tims Test
- 2007/07/07 testing cool
- 2007/02/05 test test test
- Test debug
- 2007-08-02 mew
- Berlin Wall
- 2007/05/03 Training Basketball Team
- 2007/06/13 Wiki meeting at 12 PM
- Oktoberfest
- Datetest
- Test unescaped SQL
- Manet
- 2007/08/15 my event name
- 2007/06/14 Practice Cal Entry
- 2007/06/21 milestone 4
- Test linksfrom 2
- 2007/06/13 Sat and Russ Event
- Random Chapter Content 1
- Random Chapter Content 2
- Random Chapter Content 3
- 2007/07/27 FooBar's event
- 5/3/07 8PM new event
- DPL Example 029/DummyPage
- Tablesort and columns
- 2007/06/22 sprawdzanie kalendarza
- Some Article 5
- Renoir
- 2008-May-23 deliver assortment to Maple Ave
- 2010-11-25 Anniversary
- 2007-10-17 milestone - tests completed
- Test inx Nuts
- Shamim's Note
- 2007/07/26 Greg's Event
- 2007/08/22 this is just a test
- 2007/03/29 Something is happening
- Test Amp/1
- Test inx Fruit
- 2007-09-29 Viajó Ana Feli a USA
- Test inputbox
- Test matches
- 2007/09/15 better not forget anniversary!!
- 2007-11-05 Scary Monsters!
- 2007/05/01 launch blogzapfel!
- 2007-09-30 Just a check
- Holzmaden
- 2007-09-30 Another quick test
- 2007-12-01 Meeting
- Some other trips
- DPL Example 019
- Republic of Cape Verde
- Test onlyinclude - included page
- Lucie
- 2007-06-06 Meeting in Paris
- Republic of Burundi
- MapDemo
- 2007/04/27 iloveEvents
- Some Article 3
- Republic of Cameroon
- YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar
- Class test
- Class Game
- Class vehicle
- Class Subject
- Cache Demo 2
- Events
- Test reset categories
- Article connected by DPL category keyword
- Test matrix2
- Henry
- France
- Some Article 2
- YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month
- 2007-08-22 The Birthday Party
- DPL Example 024
- Test subcategories
- Class Person
- Class Freshman
- People 2
- Germany
- Republic of Madagascar
- 2007-09-28 my birthday; send me many gifts!
- New Issue (Form)
- 2007-08-01 Masterplan: World domination
- YYYY-10-03 National Holiday in Germany
- Test linksto
- Class Musical Instrument
- Test2
- Test what links here with categories
- Example 3a
- 防DDOS模块mod evasive的使用说明出自开源百科
- 2007-09-20 Tsotha-Lanti meets Britney Spears
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Jean Granger
- United Republic of Tanzania
- People 1
- Muha Test 2
- Test regexp
- Example 4
- Test Sort order
- Test
- 2008-06-30 something clever
- Turnier Gruppe2
- DPL Example 011
- New Issue (Intro)
- Test columns
- Test what links here
- Class Student
- SMWpc Documentation API Category
- Test what links here 2
- DPL Example 010 page 1
- DPL Example 010
- Test transclusion bug data
- DPL Example 021
- Test ignorecase
- Nigunda Test
- Table with template inclusions
- Test calendar previous month
- Current events
- Resultsheaderwithcolumns
- Bug sortkey
- Test goal
- Execandexit not setting dplvars
- Some Article 1
- Test category cloud sub
- DPL Example 002
- DPL Example 012
- DPL Example 103
- Test redirects
- Some trips
- DPL Example 025
- Test offset&count
- Test cat listing
- DPL Example 009
- Grube Messel
- Test imagecontainer
- SMWpc Documentation API ObjectForm
- Test escapelinks
- Current events zh-tw
- Extension Ploticus
- Event intro
- Table bug
- Test revisions
- Inputbox extension
- DPL Example 028
- Test title
- Test onlyinclude
- DPL Example 018
- Patch to LinkHoldersArray
- Test Simple Forms
- Test export
- SMWpc Documentation API Type
- Test article structure
- DPL Example 001
- DPL Example 102
- Examples of including a template
- DPL Example 101
- Page size test page 2
- SMWpc Documentation API Model
- Test category listing
- SMWpc Documentation API Instances
- Test section inclusion
- Interface list
- Apache服务器架设的简单,由小P发布
- Test date formatting
- DPL Example 005
- DocTypes Example
- Turnier Gruppe
- Peter
- Test calendar February 2007
- DPL Example 004
- DPL Example 026
- 2007-06-06 London Wiki Wednesday
- Test calendar April 2007
- Test calendar March 2007
- Test adduser
- Test category cloud
- Test linksfrom
- Listing Redirects and Location
- StripMarkup extension
- Other Extensions
- Test mode category
- SMW Demo
- Test headingmode
- DPL Example 007
- SAP FI Interfaces
- Test transclusion bug
- Scatter Demo
- DPL Example 031
- Test noeditsection
- Test identical chapters
- Test addcategories
- Test addfirstcategorydate
- DPL Example 014
- 2007/04/25 Hello from Japan
- 2007-09-22 Ward off the eels
- Cannot perform logical operations
- DPL Example 020
- DPL Example 023
- DPL Example 006
- Application DPL-tracker
- Scatter Demo 2
- SAP MM Interfaces
- DPL Example 015
- DPL Example 016
- Test numberOfArticles
- DPL Example 030
- DL Countries
- DPL Example 003
- Test addcontribution
- DPL Example 029
- NavTree
- DPL Example table output
- Variables extension
- Test createdby
- DPL Example 008
- Dynamic Page List
- Test matrix
- DPL Example 017
- Test category hierarchy
- Test Amp
- Calendar zh-tw/Demo
- DocTypes Design
- Test include sections by number
- Sort articles on people by last name
- Example 2
- Turnier
- Ploticus extension
- DPL Example 022
- Test resultsheader
- Test distinct
- Javascript extension
- DPL Example 027
- Applying a template to all pages of a given category
- DPL Example 013
- Call extension
- Differences in the way noinclude tags are handled by DPL
- Test1
- Treeview extension
- Test includematch
- Extension DPL
- Old Homepage
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters 4
- SMWpc Documentation API Property
- Example 1
- Test includetrim
- SMWpc Documentation API Object
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters
- Cache API
- Example 3
- Test Activity Query
- SMWpc Documentation API Class
- Test table
- Cache Demo 1
- Main Page
- Malachite
- Calendar zh-tw
- Calendar
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters 1
- StringFunctions extension
- Allowing true caching by DPL dev page
- DocTypes
- Amethyst
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters 2
- DPL Simple Forms Test
- Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters 3
- Test graph 2
- Test graph - BioConductor package dependancies
- Nigeria
- Cameroon
- LoadTest 001
- LoadTest 002
- LoadTest 003
- LoadTest 004
- LoadTest 005
- LoadTest 006
- LoadTest 007
- LoadTest 008
- LoadTest 009
- LoadTest 010
- LoadTest 011
- LoadTest 012
- LoadTest 013
- LoadTest 014
- LoadTest 015
- LoadTest 016
- LoadTest 017
- LoadTest 018
- LoadTest 019
- LoadTest 020
- LoadTest 021
- LoadTest 022
- LoadTest 023
- LoadTest 024
- LoadTest 025
- LoadTest 026
- LoadTest 027
- LoadTest 028
- LoadTest 029
- LoadTest 030
- LoadTest 031
- LoadTest 032
- LoadTest 033
- LoadTest 034
- LoadTest 035
- LoadTest 036
- LoadTest 037
- LoadTest 038
- LoadTest 039
show templates, skip namespace prefix
<DPL> resultsheader= Templates available in this wiki namespace=Template shownamespace=false </DPL>
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No parameter option supplied for ' '. (Missing '=')
Templates available in this wiki- Main
- Country
- Country dpl
- (!
- !)
- !
- !-
- Sortable Tables
- Infobox Country or territory dpl
- Infobox Country or territory dpl2
- See also
- Linkedimage
- CurrentUsers
- Infobox Country or territory
- Articles
- Person.ref.Person
- Friend
- DPL parameter
- DPL parameter.overview
- Type Manual.overview
- Type Manual
- Schnittstellen Übersicht Mini
- Schnittstellen Übersicht Mini dpl
- LoadTestChapter
- LoadTest
- Way up
- Is to come
- Todo
- High
- Todo.dpl
- Low
- None
- Todo.pri
- CalendarSingle
- Calendar/MonthStartThu
- Calendar anchor
- Calendar link
- Calendar/MonthStartMon
- Calendar/MonthStartTue
- Calendar/MonthStartWed
- Calendar/MonthStartFri
- Calendar/MonthStartSat
- Calendar/MonthStartSun
- DPL Count
- Event
- Calendar month
- Event template
- African Country
- Painter
- Is friend of
- Wgraph edgetype
- Wgraph node
- Is friend of.dpl
- Wgraph edgetype.dpl
- Wgraph node.dpl
- Wgraph
- Wgraph node.dpl.default
- Is friend of.dpl.default
- Catlist
- Catlist1
- Export.dpl.default
- Category with count
- Todo2
- Nosigr
- For page size test page 2
- Page size test page 1
- Catgraph
- Wgraph defaults
- Links 1
- Links 2
- Links 2.1
- LinksToWithRedirect
- Catlist/zh
- Population Checker
- Population Check
- Population
- Population.dpl
- Country Population
- Test Country Population
- Population.dpl1
- Population Check1
- Population Checker1
- Some Template
- Some Template.dpl
- Some Template.dpl2
- CatTree
- CatTreeSub
- Step.dpl
- Catlist zh
- LinksTo
- Create Event
- Nachkommen
- Paar
- Issue
- Wgraph Command
- Cmdref headline
- Cmdref menu
- Wgraph Command.default
- Alias Wgraph
- See Wgraph
- TempTree
- Symbols
- !!
- CategoryGallery
- Catlist/zh 2
- Listing Redirects and Location Sub
- DT Article Edit (Form)
- DT Article Header
- DT Article Help (Form)
- DT Article Intro (Form)
- DT Article Wiki (Form)
- DT Article XML (Form)
- DT Article copy
- DT Article copy (Intro)
- DT Article show Refs
- DT Articles list Wiki
- DT Articles list Wiki (Form)
- DT Articles list XML
- DT Articles view (Form)
- DT Category
- DT Form Field
- DT Form Field Ref
- DT Article Edit (Intro)
- DT Form Field Text
- DT Form Header
- DT Scripts index
- DT Type (Form)
- DT Article
- DT Type create
- DocTypes
- DT Article Edit (Intro).de
- DT Article Edit (Syntax)
- DT Article Edit (Syntax).de
- DT Article Help (Intro)
- DT Article Help (Intro).de
- DT Article Intro (Intro)
- DT Article Intro (Intro).de
- DT Article Wiki (Intro)
- DT Article Wiki (Intro).de
- DT Article XML (Intro)
- DT Article XML (Intro).de
- DT Article copy (Intro).de
- DT Articles list HTML
- DT Articles list HTML (Form)
- DT Articles list Wiki export.default
- DT Articles view (Intro)
- DT Articles view (Intro).de
- DT Form Field Link
- DT Form Field Newline
- DT Language
- DT Link
- DT Meta
- DT Ref
- DT Ref.report
- DT Report create
- DT Report create (Form)
- DT Report create (Intro)
- DT Report create (Intro).de
- DT Type create (Form)
- DT Type create (Intro)
- DT Type create (Intro).de
- DT XML Field Text
- Location
- Location.edit
- Location.help
- Location.intro
- Location.report.barchart inhabitants
- Location.report.geoplot inhabitants
- Location.text
- Location.view
- Location.xml
- Location.report.piechart inhabitants
- Trip.edit
- Trip
- Trip.view
- Trip.ref.Location
- Trip.text
- Trip.help
- Trip.intro
- Location.report.inhabitants.data
- DT Form Header.meta
- DT Ref.report.default
- Person.ref.Location
- Person.edit
- Person
- Person.view
- Trip.ref.Person
- Person.help
- Person.intro
- Person.text
- DT Articles list csv
- Person.csv
- DT Article csv (Form)
- Trip.csv
- DT Article csv (Intro)
- DT Article csv (Intro).de
- DT csv
- Location.csv
- Calendar month zh-tw
- CalendarSingle zh-tw
- Calendar navigation
- Calendar link zh-tw
- Create Event zh-tw
- Event template zh-tw
- Event zh-tw
- DPL Calendar code generater zh-tw
- Invalid page
- Type?.intro
- Type?.text
- Test subgoal
- ECP number maker
- ECP Issue
- Type Test
- Is a
- Student
- Ask is a
- Type?.help
- Flickr code generater
- Topic group.dpl
- Topic group
- Topic
- PoI
- GoogleMap
- PoI gm
- +
- -
- .cat definition
- .cat make
- .cat show
- .class browse
- .class create
- .class definition
- .class description
- .class inheritance
- .class instances
- .class intro
- .class menu
- .class parents
- .class parents 2
- .class parents 3
- .class parents 4
- .class preload
- .class properties
- .class properties 2
- .class properties 3
- .class properties 4
- .class references
- .class references.ask
- .class summary
- .form field
- .form header
- .instances export wiki
- .instances list html
- .instances list html (form)
- .model class
- .model extends
- .model graph
- .model meta graph
- .model meta show
- .model prop
- .model show
- .obj create
- .obj create with form
- .obj data template make
- .obj get
- .obj getMy
- .obj getMyText
- .obj getText
- .obj intro
- .obj intro Location
- .obj intro Musical Instrument
- .obj intro Student
- .obj intro Subject
- .obj intro ask
- .obj intro make
- .obj intro top
- .obj is a
- .obj is instance of
- .obj is referenced by
- .obj is referenced by.ask
- .obj preload Location
- .obj preload Musical Instrument
- .obj preload Student
- .obj preload Subject
- .obj preload make
- .obj set
- .prop assigned by
- .prop built-in
- .prop create
- .prop definition
- .prop derived from
- .prop describes
- .prop intro
- .prop mandatory
- .prop preload
- .prop refers to
- .prop reverse
- .prop unique
- .report
- .type built-in
- Belongs to
- Coordinates
- Group
- Is part of
- Placement
- Born in
- Has team mate
- Plays
- Studies
- Studies in
- Invented in
- Born at
- Musical Instrument
- .prop scope
- Print as one piece
- Has document part
- Part of master document
- Continue with part
- Print whole text
- .obj intro Freshman
- .obj intro Game
- Game
- Subject
- .obj intro Person
- Freshman
- .obj preload Game
- .obj preload Person
- .obj preload Freshman
- Game.list
- Freshman.list
- Person.list
- Subject.list
- Location.list
- Musical Instrument.list
- .obj preload
- .list
- Student.list
- ECP-00055
- DPL Page Name S/N Maker
- Test
- Abc/x123
- Tl
- List articles on people by last name
- My special article lister
- Datetest.dpl
- Datetest
- Amp
- Test get chapter
- DPL Cache Warning
- Bulk Update
- Teaser
- Example
- Country.phantom-004
- DPL Example 007 sub
- DPL Example 007 sub 2
- DPL Example 009 sub
- DPL Example 010 tpl
- DPL Example 010 sub
- DPL Example 102 piechart
- DPL Example 103 barchart
- DPL Page Name S/N Maker test
- Test Amp3/Template
- Test Amp3/Template2
- UsageCount
- Index
- Index.dpl1
- Index.dpl2
- DPL Example 018 sub
- Comma
- Extension DPL
- Extension DPL scroll
- Extension DPL cache
- DPL stable version
- Country.listByCapital
- ExportTransitive
- ExportTransitive.img
- ExportTransitive.sub
- Dpl.pfunc.default
- Dpl.pfunc
- .+.pfunc.default
- .+.pfunc
- Extension DPL continue
- Dpl.tag.default
- Dpl.tag
- Set Template Parameter
- DummyTemplate
- TOCright
- UsesTest
- ShortenString
- Short
- ShortURL
- Templink
- ShortURL/Examples
- ShortURL/Examples/List
- ShortLink/Examples
- ShortLink
- ShortLink/Examples/List
- Infobox Country or territory.dpl
- Template.edit
- Infobox Country or territory.edit
- Car
- .obj intro car
- .obj preload car
- Vehicle
- .obj intro vehicle
- .obj preload vehicle
- Vehicle.list
- Car.list
- Test2
- Googlemap.*.dpl
- Tmp2
- Goglemap.*.dpl.default
- Goglemap.*.dpl
- RP.dpl.default
- DPL/Navi/3
- DPL/ImgUsed/ResNum
- DPL/ImgUsed/LinkedFrom
- Siblings
- ActivitySummary
- Activity Description
- Sandbox
- Sandbox2
- Some Template.dpl3
- Redirs
- Translation
- Translation.table
- Magazine
- Book
- Publication
- Publication.default
- Magazine.published.default
- Book.published.default
- Book.published
- Magazine.published
- About
- Basepage subpage
- Category handler
- Category handler/blacklist
- Category handler/numbered
- Citation/core
- Citation/identifier
- Citation/make link
- Citation needed
- Cite book
- Cite encyclopedia
- Cite web
- Column-count
- Commons
- EB1911
- Fix
- Fix/category
- Greenwood&Earnshaw2nd
- Harvard citation/core
- Hatnote
- Hide in print
- If pagename
- Ifsubst
- Infobox
- Infobox/row
- Infobox mineral
- Jewellery
- Namespace detect
- Navbox
- Only in print
- Other uses
- Px
- Reflist
- Sfn
- Side box
- Silica minerals
- Sister
- Transclude
- =
- Audio
- Cite journal
- Cite news
- Column-width
- Convert
- Convert/LoffAoffDbSoff
- Convert/LoffAonSoff
- Convert/kg
- Convert/lb
- Convert/numdisp
- Convert/outsep
- Convert/test/A
- Dated maintenance category
- Doi
- Link GA
- Ns has subpages
- OEtymD
- Redirect
- Str left
- Use dmy dates
- Wikisource
- Commons category
- Overline
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.