Turnier Gruppe

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 // ----------------------------------------------- {{{1}}}
 subgraph '{{{1}}}'  { 
    label "\n\fuGroup {{{1}}}:\fn\n{{{2}}}\n{{{3}}}\n{{{4}}}\n{{{5}}}\n"
    color lightyellow state boxed 
    smanhattanedges no manhattanedges no
 node "{{{2}}}" '{{{1}}}' { /*icon "fra.png"*/ info1:"{{{2}}}"  width 100 }
 node "{{{3}}}" '{{{1}}}' { /*icon "fra.png"*/ info1:"{{{3}}}"  width 100 }
 node "{{{4}}}" '{{{1}}}' { /*icon "fra.png"*/ info1:"{{{4}}}"  width 100 }
 node "{{{5}}}" '{{{1}}}' { /*icon "fra.png"*/ info1:"{{{5}}}"  width 100 }
 edge      from "{{{2}}}" to "{{{4}}}" {}
 edge      from "{{{2}}}" to "{{{5}}}" {linestyle dotted}
 nearedge  from "{{{2}}}" to "{{{3}}}" {}
 edge      from "{{{3}}}" to "{{{5}}}" {}
 edge      from "{{{3}}}" to "{{{4}}}" {linestyle dotted}
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