Template:DT Articles view (Intro).de

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Here you define the contents of the columns which are displayed on the overview table in the category page.

  • Replace Type? by the name of your Type.
  • The first column definition (containing %PAGE% etc.) should not be changed. It is needed to create a hyperlink in the overview table.
  • Put each field into a wiki table row (i.e. a line starting with a pipe character).
  • Make sure that the table column headers (which are defined in the category file) correspond exactly to the fields you define here
  • Use wiki functions to perform some formatting
  • You can use %DATE% and %USER% to add information about the last change to each record you display
  • you could even resolve links (using Template:DT_Link) or create fields which contain back links (using Template:DT_Ref). But this may be VERY inefficient and will slow down the rendering of your category page significantly.

Hier wird die Formatierung der Listenausgabe der "Datensätze" des neuen Typ's bestimmt.

Zunächst ist die dritte Zeile zu löschen. Danach wird der Platzhalter Type? mit dem Typ des neuen Dokumenttyps zu ersetzen.

Danach werden die anzuzeigenden Felder gelistet. DIese müssen in der Strukturbeschreibung (Edit) bereits definiert sein.