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(Find uncategorized articles)
(Find uncategorized articles)
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== Find uncategorized articles ==
== Find uncategorized articles ==
Note: the following statement works if you create a special SQL view in the wiki database.
Note: the following statement works if you created a special SQL view in the wiki database.
You need admin rights (including "CREATE VIEW permissions") for this. This demo site runs on a server where the author does not have such rights. So you will see an error message ...
You need admin rights (including "CREATE VIEW permissions") for this. This demo site runs on a server where the author does not have such rights. So you will see an error message ...

Revision as of 08:51, 13 February 2007

Find Articles which have at least / at most [n] categories

Members of the OAU with at least 3 categories, at most 6:

Find uncategorized articles

Note: the following statement works if you created a special SQL view in the wiki database. You need admin rights (including "CREATE VIEW permissions") for this. This demo site runs on a server where the author does not have such rights. So you will see an error message ...


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option for parameter 'category'.

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Error: No selection criteria found! You must use at least one of the following parameters: category, namespace, titlematch, linksto, uses, createdby, modifiedby, lastmodifiedby, or their 'not' variants

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.

Produce an image gallery

Show number of articles instead of name list

There are 4 articles on OAU member states.

Multi column output and article numbers

ordering articles by size

Rank Article Bytes
1. Test5554 0
2. 2008-02-16 best time ever 1
3. Nowa kategoria 4
4. Test 001 4
Rank Article Bytes
5. Test 002 4
6. Test 003 4
7. Test 004 4
8. Test 005 4
Rank Article Bytes
9. Test 006 4
10. Test 007 4

Multi row output and article numbers

ordering articles by size, the table heading will be repeated 3 times

Rank Article Bytes
1. Test5554 0
2. 2008-02-16 best time ever 1
3. Nowa kategoria 4
4. Test 001 4
Rank Article Bytes
5. Test 002 4
6. Test 003 4
7. Test 004 4
8. Test 005 4
Rank Article Bytes
9. Test 006 4
10. Test 007 4

Multi row output and article numbers

ordering articles by size, the table heading will be repeated after every group of 5 lines

Rank Article Bytes
1. Test5554 0
2. 2008-02-16 best time ever 1
3. Nowa kategoria 4
4. Test 001 4
5. Test 002 4
Rank Article Bytes
6. Test 003 4
7. Test 004 4
8. Test 005 4
9. Test 006 4
10. Test 007 4

Varying font size based on article size, RANDOM selection

This example shows how the size of an article can be used to display its name in a corresponding size; we select 6 articles by random: <javascript src="sorttable"/>

Article Bytes
Test calendar June 2007 60
2007/06/05 Evenement maintenance 103
Tablesort and columns 158
Test Sort order 342
Test escapelinks 610
Test section inclusion 805

Varying font size based on popularity

This example shows how the popularity of an article can be used to display its name in a corresponding size; Two different scalings (%COUNTFS% and %COUNTFS2%) are available.

based on %COUNTFS%:

Test5554 • 2008-02-16 best time ever • Nowa kategoria • Test 001 • Test 002 • Test 003 • Test 004 • Test 005 • Test 006 • Test 007 • Test 008 • Tmp2 • 2008/08/23 SD test • Event template zh-tw • Event intro zh-tw • A1 • 2008-04-24 nnn • Yyy • Ford • Property:Age • Student • Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters (print version) • Task act • Task think • Test what links here with categories page • Abc/def • Music • Page in Test-1 • Physics • Page in Test 1 • My very special event (2007/03/01) • DPLMATRIX • Mechanics • Philosophy • Bruxelles city • Town A • Town B • Task prepare meal • Task buy food • A ECP-00055 test page • Pseudo Namespace:Dummy • 2007-08-24 jehhu • Test Dummy • Testpage • Test transclusion bug 2 • Stachoo test • The Colour of Magic • The Smell of Future • Bug Apo • Article with underscore • The Light Fantastic • Page A • Page H • Todotest3 • Page D • Page E • Activity Page 1 • Activity Page 2 • Fr • Chess • Cezanne • URL • A2 • Trombone • Aa • Page • Text • Date • Taiwan • Email • Test calendar May 2007 • Test calendar June 2007 • Test calendar July 2007 • Test calendar August 2007 • Test calendar September 2007 • Test calendar October 2007 • Test calendar November 2007 • Number • String • Boolean • Glossary • Z • Temperature • Todotest1 • 2009-06-26 asdf • Page B • Page C • Annotation URI • Page F • Signac • VolkoV Test A Cat B • VolkoV Test B Cat C • Bug Apo 3 • Bug'Apo 4 • 'Bug Apo 5 • 2007-06-01 Test Event • Geographic coordinate • Distinct test • 1007/05/26 Nice Calendar :) • 2007/08/02 Holiday starts • 00001 • Van Gogh • Todotest2 • Xxx • 2007/05/11 Calender Check • Muro di Berlino • 2007-06-21 boo waz here • 2007-10-31 Holiday! • YYYY-12-24 Christmas Eve • YYYY/mm/dd my event name • 2007/06/12 some other event • 2007-07-18 EPAF • DPL Example 007 main page 2 • Test Amp/2 • 2007/05/29 TEST EVENT • 2007/06/15 Test2 event • DPL Example 007 sub page 11 • DPL Example 007 sub page 12 • DPL Example 007 sub page 21 • DPL Example 007 sub page 22 • DPL Example 007 sub page 23 • DPL Example 007 sub page 24 • DPL Example 007 sub page 25 • DPL Example 007 sub page 26 • 2007/06/24 Desparate • Munich • 2007-08-29 Workshop • 2007-08-13 testing • Berlin • 207/05/10 Bolwing • 2007/07/31 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • 2007/07/25 St Jaume! • Paris • Page G • Gallery 3 • 2007/04/22 test1 • 2007/06/09 Test by tao.li • Page size test page 1 • Test Amp2 • Bob Jones Out Sick • 2009-01-24 test2 • 2007/05/19 Update • 2007-06-09 My Vacation Day • Table Bug 4 • 2007-11-27 Test number 12345 • Some Article 6 • Heidelberg • Table Bug 3 • VolkoV Test C Cat A • 2008-04-24 xml • 2009-01-01 iyo test • 2007-04-19 test 19th april • 2007/12/25 • 2007-09-05 Out of office • Vienna • 2008-04-01 test • UNTITLED • CC • 2008-02-28 party • 2008-08-31 SRM recovery test • 19/04/2007 stpeterkomet • 2008-01-29 Test2 • Test 1.13 issue • City B • 2007-02-15 My very special event • 2007-04-19 Test Florian • 2007-06-03 Project Alpha • Test Simple Forms 2 • 2007/06/13 ok • 2007-08-31 19:00 Vorstandssitzung • 2007/06/05 Evenement maintenance • 2007/06/30 Month name not displaying • 2007/05/25 TEST • Ploticus Demodata • 2007/06/16 Paul's Event • 2007/06/22 haha • W:de:Benutzer:Unendlich • 2007/10/31 Halloween • Table Bug 2 • 2007-08-30 Installation Calendar in personal wiki • Equal Rites • 2007-04-05 Some Event • 2007/07/25 craig birthday • 2007/04/06 my event • 2007/06/30 gave up to install this calendar • 2007/07/07 • 2007/04/03 vacantion • 2007/08/28 today is the day • 2007-09-15 my evers • 2007/04/03 Daniels verjaardag • Piano • 2009-06-28 butt day • Gallery 3 sub • 2007/07/17 Mom's B-day • 2007/06/29 FS ToDo • DPL Example 007 main page 1 • 2007/04/30 Mon événement • 2007-08-23 testing • Bug SQL 1064 • 2007/06/07 Gaudium in Poing • 2007/08/05 notiso • Flute • An article which is only referenced by a DPL query • 2007-08-05 shit happens • Test5555 • Muha Test • Test uses • 2007/07/30 Я ухожу в отпуск • 2008-10-31 Project1 Kick-off • 2009-07-02 vacaciones • 2007/07/04 Jeremy BDay • 2007/05/17 test event • MtiTrans1 • MtiTrans2 • MtiTrans3 • Berliner Mauer • 2007-03-30 My very special event • 2007/03/05 third test event • 2010-02-14 San Valentín • 2007/04/28 my event name • 2007/05/03 my event name • 2008/11/12 Test • 2007/05/25 algo • 2007-08-10 birthdaytest • 2007/05/09 WooHoo • 2007/05/26 pvp • 2007/05/31 Bladadadmam • 2007/06/04 en la fing • 2007/06/06 Test • 2007/06/22 test • 2007/6/11 try out calendaring in mediawiki • 2007/06/15 Kevin out today • 2007/06/22 hello • YYYY/mm/dd FSTest • 2007/07/10 A new wiki is born • 2007-07-13 Friday 13th • 2007-05-19 DIMON • 2008-04-24 wwww • 2008-08-28 vtest testing • 2010-05-05 testowy event • Templates in Redirection • 2007-04-25 March for rights • 2007/06/03 June event • 2007/06/01 some event • 2007/04/26 some event • 05/04/2007 Chris • 2007/04/30 Un autre événement • 2007/05/03 hghg • 2007/05/05 hackeln • 2008-09-28 I think I have it working • 2007/04/16 my test event • /mm/dd my event name • 2007-07-15 Baiardi • 2007/07/31 my bday • 2007-03-05 test event two • 2007-08-10 iso8601test • 2007/03/06 prova • 2007-09-01 ABC Birthday • YYYY-mm-dd my event name • Nitin • 2007-09-06me me me • 2007-09-21 Day after tomorrow • 2007/07/02 Boulot • 2007/06/24 just another test • Some Article 4 • 2007-07-22 Jocs especials a la Trinitat • 2007/04/25 DougTest • 2007/05/02 Sat Test • 2007/03/05 Test Event • 2007 04 03 daniels verjaardag • 2007/04/05 my event name • 2007-09-22 test • 2007/05/07 take wife out for movie -- Spiderman? • 2007/04/18 this events is still upcomng • 2007-01-01 Tims Test • 2007/07/07 testing cool • 2007/02/05 test test test • Test debug • 2009-07-02 implantación • 2007-08-02 mew • Berlin Wall • 2007/05/03 Training Basketball Team • 2007/06/13 Wiki meeting at 12 PM • Oktoberfest • Datetest • Bassoon • Test unescaped SQL • Manet • 2007/08/15 my event name • City A • 2007/06/14 Practice Cal Entry • 2007-12-25 Xmas Day • 2007/06/21 milestone 4 • MissingTocMain2 • AbC • Test linksfrom 2 • 2007/06/13 Sat and Russ Event • 2008-01-30 today by kd • Random Chapter Content 1 • Random Chapter Content 2 • Random Chapter Content 3 • 2007/07/27 FooBar's event • 5/3/07 8PM new event • DPL Example 029/DummyPage • Sandbox • Tablesort and columns • 2007/06/22 sprawdzanie kalendarza • Some Article 5 • Renoir • 2007/07/05 Post 4th Party • 2008-May-23 deliver assortment to Maple Ave • 2010-11-25 Anniversary • 2007/07/25 finally • 2007-10-17 milestone - tests completed • Nig1 • Nig2 • Test inx Nuts • Shamim's Note • 2007/07/26 Greg's Event • MissingTocMain • Nig3 • 2007/08/22 this is just a test • 2007/03/29 Something is happening • B • Test Amp/1 • Test inx Fruit • 2007-09-29 Viajó Ana Feli a USA • ECP-00001 • Test inputbox • Test matches • 2007/09/15 better not forget anniversary!! • 2007-09-28 Cours • 2007-11-05 Scary Monsters! • 2007/05/01 launch blogzapfel! • 2007-09-30 Just a check • Holzmaden • Nig4 • 2007-09-30 Another quick test • 2007-12-01 Meeting • Some other trips • DPL Example 019 • Republic of Cape Verde • Test onlyinclude - included page • Lucie • 2007-06-06 Meeting in Paris • Class car • Tony • Republic of Burundi • MapDemo • 2007/04/27 iloveEvents • Some Article 3 • 2007/04/28 中文 • Republic of Cameroon • 2007-12-20 Blablabla • I3:Matrix1 • YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar • Class test • Class Game • Class vehicle • Class Subject • Cache Demo 2 • ECP-00000 • ECP (Form) • Events • Test reset categories • Article connected by DPL category keyword • Test matrix2 • Henry • France • Eric • Some Article 2 • Italy • YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month • Class Location • 2007-08-22 The Birthday Party • DPL Example 024 • Test subcategories • Class Person • Class Freshman • People 2 • Germany • Republic of Madagascar • 2007-09-28 my birthday; send me many gifts! • New Issue (Form) • 2007-08-01 Masterplan: World domination • YYYY-10-03 National Holiday in Germany • Test linksto • Class Musical Instrument • Abc • Spain • Translation list • Y • Test2 • Test what links here with categories • MtiMain • MtiMain2 • Example 3a • 防DDOS模块mod evasive的使用说明出自开源百科 • 2007-09-20 Tsotha-Lanti meets Britney Spears • Harry Potter • Hermione Jean Granger • United Republic of Tanzania • People 1 • Muha Test 2 • Test regexp • Example 4 • Test Sort order • Lisa • Test • 2008-06-30 something clever • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Activity 3 • Turnier Gruppe2 • DPL Example 011 • New Issue (Intro) • Tom • Test columns • 测试内容 • 我来测试wiki • Test what links here • Class Student • SMWpc Documentation API Category • Test what links here 2 • DPL Example 010 page 1 • DPL Example 010 • Test transclusion bug data • DPL Example 021 • Test ignorecase • Nigunda Test • Table with template inclusions • Test calendar previous month • Current events • Resultsheaderwithcolumns • Bug sortkey • Test goal • Execandexit not setting dplvars • Some Article 1 • Test category cloud sub • DPL Example 002 • DPL Example 012 • DPL Example 103 • Test redirects • Buloma • Some trips • DPL Example 025 • Test offset&count • Test cat listing • DPL Example 009 • Grube Messel • Test imagecontainer • SMWpc Documentation API ObjectForm • Test escapelinks • Current events zh-tw • Extension Ploticus • Event intro • Table bug • Test revisions • Inputbox extension • Test shownamespace • Somango • DPL Example 028 • Test title • Tmp • Test onlyinclude • DPL Example 018 • Patch to LinkHoldersArray • Test Simple Forms • Test export • SMWpc Documentation API Type • Test article structure • DPL Example 001 • A • DPL Example 102 • Examples of including a template • Tatiana Nahas • DPL Example 101 • Page size test page 2 • SMWpc Documentation API Model • Test category listing • SMWpc Documentation API Instances • Test section inclusion • Interface list • Apache服务器架设的简单,由小P发布 • Test date formatting • DPL Example 005 • DocTypes Example • Turnier Gruppe • Peter • Test calendar February 2007 • DPL Example 004 • DPL Example 026 • 2007-06-06 London Wiki Wednesday • Test calendar April 2007 • Test calendar March 2007 • Test adduser • Test category cloud • Test linksfrom • Listing Redirects and Location • StripMarkup extension

based on %COUNTFS2%:

Test5554 • 2008-02-16 best time ever • Nowa kategoria • Test 001 • Test 002 • Test 003 • Test 004 • Test 005 • Test 006 • Test 007 • Test 008 • Tmp2 • 2008/08/23 SD test • Event template zh-tw • Event intro zh-tw • A1 • 2008-04-24 nnn • Yyy • Ford • Property:Age • Student • Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters (print version) • Task act • Task think • Test what links here with categories page • Abc/def • Music • Page in Test-1 • Physics • Page in Test 1 • My very special event (2007/03/01) • DPLMATRIX • Mechanics • Philosophy • Bruxelles city • Town A • Town B • Task prepare meal • Task buy food • A ECP-00055 test page • Pseudo Namespace:Dummy • 2007-08-24 jehhu • Test Dummy • Testpage • Test transclusion bug 2 • Stachoo test • The Colour of Magic • The Smell of Future • Bug Apo • Article with underscore • The Light Fantastic • Page A • Page H • Todotest3 • Page D • Page E • Activity Page 1 • Activity Page 2 • Fr • Chess • Cezanne • URL • A2 • Trombone • Aa • Page • Text • Date • Taiwan • Email • Test calendar May 2007 • Test calendar June 2007 • Test calendar July 2007 • Test calendar August 2007 • Test calendar September 2007 • Test calendar October 2007 • Test calendar November 2007 • Number • String • Boolean • Glossary • Z • Temperature • Todotest1 • 2009-06-26 asdf • Page B • Page C • Annotation URI • Page F • Signac • VolkoV Test A Cat B • VolkoV Test B Cat C • Bug Apo 3 • Bug'Apo 4 • 'Bug Apo 5 • 2007-06-01 Test Event • Geographic coordinate • Distinct test • 1007/05/26 Nice Calendar :) • 2007/08/02 Holiday starts • 00001 • Van Gogh • Todotest2 • Xxx • 2007/05/11 Calender Check • Muro di Berlino • 2007-06-21 boo waz here • 2007-10-31 Holiday! • YYYY-12-24 Christmas Eve • YYYY/mm/dd my event name • 2007/06/12 some other event • 2007-07-18 EPAF • DPL Example 007 main page 2 • Test Amp/2 • 2007/05/29 TEST EVENT • 2007/06/15 Test2 event • DPL Example 007 sub page 11 • DPL Example 007 sub page 12 • DPL Example 007 sub page 21 • DPL Example 007 sub page 22 • DPL Example 007 sub page 23 • DPL Example 007 sub page 24 • DPL Example 007 sub page 25 • DPL Example 007 sub page 26 • 2007/06/24 Desparate • Munich • 2007-08-29 Workshop • 2007-08-13 testing • Berlin • 207/05/10 Bolwing • 2007/07/31 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • 2007/07/25 St Jaume! • Paris • Page G • Gallery 3 • 2007/04/22 test1 • 2007/06/09 Test by tao.li • Page size test page 1 • Test Amp2 • Bob Jones Out Sick • 2009-01-24 test2 • 2007/05/19 Update • 2007-06-09 My Vacation Day • Table Bug 4 • 2007-11-27 Test number 12345 • Some Article 6 • Heidelberg • Table Bug 3 • VolkoV Test C Cat A • 2008-04-24 xml • 2009-01-01 iyo test • 2007-04-19 test 19th april • 2007/12/25 • 2007-09-05 Out of office • Vienna • 2008-04-01 test • UNTITLED • CC • 2008-02-28 party • 2008-08-31 SRM recovery test • 19/04/2007 stpeterkomet • 2008-01-29 Test2 • Test 1.13 issue • City B • 2007-02-15 My very special event • 2007-04-19 Test Florian • 2007-06-03 Project Alpha • Test Simple Forms 2 • 2007/06/13 ok • 2007-08-31 19:00 Vorstandssitzung • 2007/06/05 Evenement maintenance • 2007/06/30 Month name not displaying • 2007/05/25 TEST • Ploticus Demodata • 2007/06/16 Paul's Event • 2007/06/22 haha • W:de:Benutzer:Unendlich • 2007/10/31 Halloween • Table Bug 2 • 2007-08-30 Installation Calendar in personal wiki • Equal Rites • 2007-04-05 Some Event • 2007/07/25 craig birthday • 2007/04/06 my event • 2007/06/30 gave up to install this calendar • 2007/07/07 • 2007/04/03 vacantion • 2007/08/28 today is the day • 2007-09-15 my evers • 2007/04/03 Daniels verjaardag • Piano • 2009-06-28 butt day • Gallery 3 sub • 2007/07/17 Mom's B-day • 2007/06/29 FS ToDo • DPL Example 007 main page 1 • 2007/04/30 Mon événement • 2007-08-23 testing • Bug SQL 1064 • 2007/06/07 Gaudium in Poing • 2007/08/05 notiso • Flute • An article which is only referenced by a DPL query • 2007-08-05 shit happens • Test5555 • Muha Test • Test uses • 2007/07/30 Я ухожу в отпуск • 2008-10-31 Project1 Kick-off • 2009-07-02 vacaciones • 2007/07/04 Jeremy BDay • 2007/05/17 test event • MtiTrans1 • MtiTrans2 • MtiTrans3 • Berliner Mauer • 2007-03-30 My very special event • 2007/03/05 third test event • 2010-02-14 San Valentín • 2007/04/28 my event name • 2007/05/03 my event name • 2008/11/12 Test • 2007/05/25 algo • 2007-08-10 birthdaytest • 2007/05/09 WooHoo • 2007/05/26 pvp • 2007/05/31 Bladadadmam • 2007/06/04 en la fing • 2007/06/06 Test • 2007/06/22 test • 2007/6/11 try out calendaring in mediawiki • 2007/06/15 Kevin out today • 2007/06/22 hello • YYYY/mm/dd FSTest • 2007/07/10 A new wiki is born • 2007-07-13 Friday 13th • 2007-05-19 DIMON • 2008-04-24 wwww • 2008-08-28 vtest testing • 2010-05-05 testowy event • Templates in Redirection • 2007-04-25 March for rights • 2007/06/03 June event • 2007/06/01 some event • 2007/04/26 some event • 05/04/2007 Chris • 2007/04/30 Un autre événement • 2007/05/03 hghg • 2007/05/05 hackeln • 2008-09-28 I think I have it working • 2007/04/16 my test event • /mm/dd my event name • 2007-07-15 Baiardi • 2007/07/31 my bday • 2007-03-05 test event two • 2007-08-10 iso8601test • 2007/03/06 prova • 2007-09-01 ABC Birthday • YYYY-mm-dd my event name • Nitin • 2007-09-06me me me • 2007-09-21 Day after tomorrow • 2007/07/02 Boulot • 2007/06/24 just another test • Some Article 4 • 2007-07-22 Jocs especials a la Trinitat • 2007/04/25 DougTest • 2007/05/02 Sat Test • 2007/03/05 Test Event • 2007 04 03 daniels verjaardag • 2007/04/05 my event name • 2007-09-22 test • 2007/05/07 take wife out for movie -- Spiderman? • 2007/04/18 this events is still upcomng • 2007-01-01 Tims Test • 2007/07/07 testing cool • 2007/02/05 test test test • Test debug • 2009-07-02 implantación • 2007-08-02 mew • Berlin Wall • 2007/05/03 Training Basketball Team • 2007/06/13 Wiki meeting at 12 PM • Oktoberfest • Datetest • Bassoon • Test unescaped SQL • Manet • 2007/08/15 my event name • City A • 2007/06/14 Practice Cal Entry • 2007-12-25 Xmas Day • 2007/06/21 milestone 4 • MissingTocMain2 • AbC • Test linksfrom 2 • 2007/06/13 Sat and Russ Event • 2008-01-30 today by kd • Random Chapter Content 1 • Random Chapter Content 2 • Random Chapter Content 3 • 2007/07/27 FooBar's event • 5/3/07 8PM new event • DPL Example 029/DummyPage • Sandbox • Tablesort and columns • 2007/06/22 sprawdzanie kalendarza • Some Article 5 • Renoir • 2007/07/05 Post 4th Party • 2008-May-23 deliver assortment to Maple Ave • 2010-11-25 Anniversary • 2007/07/25 finally • 2007-10-17 milestone - tests completed • Nig1 • Nig2 • Test inx Nuts • Shamim's Note • 2007/07/26 Greg's Event • MissingTocMain • Nig3 • 2007/08/22 this is just a test • 2007/03/29 Something is happening • B • Test Amp/1 • Test inx Fruit • 2007-09-29 Viajó Ana Feli a USA • ECP-00001 • Test inputbox • Test matches • 2007/09/15 better not forget anniversary!! • 2007-09-28 Cours • 2007-11-05 Scary Monsters! • 2007/05/01 launch blogzapfel! • 2007-09-30 Just a check • Holzmaden • Nig4 • 2007-09-30 Another quick test • 2007-12-01 Meeting • Some other trips • DPL Example 019 • Republic of Cape Verde • Test onlyinclude - included page • Lucie • 2007-06-06 Meeting in Paris • Class car • Tony • Republic of Burundi • MapDemo • 2007/04/27 iloveEvents • Some Article 3 • 2007/04/28 中文 • Republic of Cameroon • 2007-12-20 Blablabla • I3:Matrix1 • YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar • Class test • Class Game • Class vehicle • Class Subject • Cache Demo 2 • ECP-00000 • ECP (Form) • Events • Test reset categories • Article connected by DPL category keyword • Test matrix2 • Henry • France • Eric • Some Article 2 • Italy • YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month • Class Location • 2007-08-22 The Birthday Party • DPL Example 024 • Test subcategories • Class Person • Class Freshman • People 2 • Germany • Republic of Madagascar • 2007-09-28 my birthday; send me many gifts! • New Issue (Form) • 2007-08-01 Masterplan: World domination • YYYY-10-03 National Holiday in Germany • Test linksto • Class Musical Instrument • Abc • Spain • Translation list • Y • Test2 • Test what links here with categories • MtiMain • MtiMain2 • Example 3a • 防DDOS模块mod evasive的使用说明出自开源百科 • 2007-09-20 Tsotha-Lanti meets Britney Spears • Harry Potter • Hermione Jean Granger • United Republic of Tanzania • People 1 • Muha Test 2 • Test regexp • Example 4 • Test Sort order • Lisa • Test • 2008-06-30 something clever • Activity 1 • Activity 2 • Activity 3 • Turnier Gruppe2 • DPL Example 011 • New Issue (Intro) • Tom • Test columns • 测试内容 • 我来测试wiki • Test what links here • Class Student • SMWpc Documentation API Category • Test what links here 2 • DPL Example 010 page 1 • DPL Example 010 • Test transclusion bug data • DPL Example 021 • Test ignorecase • Nigunda Test • Table with template inclusions • Test calendar previous month • Current events • Resultsheaderwithcolumns • Bug sortkey • Test goal • Execandexit not setting dplvars • Some Article 1 • Test category cloud sub • DPL Example 002 • DPL Example 012 • DPL Example 103 • Test redirects • Buloma • Some trips • DPL Example 025 • Test offset&count • Test cat listing • DPL Example 009 • Grube Messel • Test imagecontainer • SMWpc Documentation API ObjectForm • Test escapelinks • Current events zh-tw • Extension Ploticus • Event intro • Table bug • Test revisions • Inputbox extension • Test shownamespace • Somango • DPL Example 028 • Test title • Tmp • Test onlyinclude • DPL Example 018 • Patch to LinkHoldersArray • Test Simple Forms • Test export • SMWpc Documentation API Type • Test article structure • DPL Example 001 • A • DPL Example 102 • Examples of including a template • Tatiana Nahas • DPL Example 101 • Page size test page 2 • SMWpc Documentation API Model • Test category listing • SMWpc Documentation API Instances • Test section inclusion • Interface list • Apache服务器架设的简单,由小P发布 • Test date formatting • DPL Example 005 • DocTypes Example • Turnier Gruppe • Peter • Test calendar February 2007 • DPL Example 004 • DPL Example 026 • 2007-06-06 London Wiki Wednesday • Test calendar April 2007 • Test calendar March 2007 • Test adduser • Test category cloud • Test linksfrom • Listing Redirects and Location • StripMarkup extension

simple multi column output

2008-02-16 best time ever    
Nowa kategoria    
Test 001    
Test 002    
Test 003    
Test 004    
Test 005    
Test 006    
Test 007    
Test 008    
2008/08/23 SD test    
Event template zh-tw    
Event intro zh-tw    
2008-04-24 nnn    
Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters (print version)    
Task act    
Task think    
Test what links here with categories page    
Page in Test-1    
Page in Test 1    
My very special event (2007/03/01)    
Bruxelles city    
Town A    
Town B    
Task prepare meal    
Task buy food    
A ECP-00055 test page    
Pseudo Namespace:Dummy    
2007-08-24 jehhu    
Test Dummy    
Test transclusion bug 2    
Stachoo test    
The Colour of Magic    
The Smell of Future    
Bug Apo    
Article with underscore    
The Light Fantastic    
Page A    
Page H    
Page D    
Page E    
Activity Page 1    
Activity Page 2    
Test calendar May 2007    
Test calendar June 2007    
Test calendar July 2007    
Test calendar August 2007    
Test calendar September 2007    
Test calendar October 2007    
Test calendar November 2007    
2009-06-26 asdf    
Page B    
Page C    
Annotation URI    
Page F    
VolkoV Test A Cat B    
VolkoV Test B Cat C    
Bug Apo 3    
Bug'Apo 4    
'Bug Apo 5    
2007-06-01 Test Event    
Geographic coordinate    
Distinct test    
1007/05/26 Nice Calendar :)    
2007/08/02 Holiday starts    
Van Gogh    
2007/05/11 Calender Check    
Muro di Berlino    
2007-06-21 boo waz here    
2007-10-31 Holiday!    
YYYY-12-24 Christmas Eve    
YYYY/mm/dd my event name    
2007/06/12 some other event    
2007-07-18 EPAF    
DPL Example 007 main page 2    
Test Amp/2    
2007/05/29 TEST EVENT    
2007/06/15 Test2 event    
DPL Example 007 sub page 11    
DPL Example 007 sub page 12    
DPL Example 007 sub page 21    
DPL Example 007 sub page 22    
DPL Example 007 sub page 23    
DPL Example 007 sub page 24    
DPL Example 007 sub page 25    
DPL Example 007 sub page 26    
2007/06/24 Desparate    

2007-08-29 Workshop    
2007-08-13 testing    
207/05/10 Bolwing    
2007/07/31 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    
2007/07/25 St Jaume!    
Page G    
Gallery 3    
2007/04/22 test1    
2007/06/09 Test by tao.li    
Page size test page 1    
Test Amp2    
Bob Jones Out Sick    
2009-01-24 test2    
2007/05/19 Update    
2007-06-09 My Vacation Day    
Table Bug 4    
2007-11-27 Test number 12345    
Some Article 6    
Table Bug 3    
VolkoV Test C Cat A    
2008-04-24 xml    
2009-01-01 iyo test    
2007-04-19 test 19th april    
2007-09-05 Out of office    
2008-04-01 test    
2008-02-28 party    
2008-08-31 SRM recovery test    
19/04/2007 stpeterkomet    
2008-01-29 Test2    
Test 1.13 issue    
City B    
2007-02-15 My very special event    
2007-04-19 Test Florian    
2007-06-03 Project Alpha    
Test Simple Forms 2    
2007/06/13 ok    
2007-08-31 19:00 Vorstandssitzung    
2007/06/05 Evenement maintenance    
2007/06/30 Month name not displaying    
2007/05/25 TEST    
Ploticus Demodata    
2007/06/16 Paul's Event    
2007/06/22 haha    
2007/10/31 Halloween    
Table Bug 2    
2007-08-30 Installation Calendar in personal wiki    
Equal Rites    
2007-04-05 Some Event    
2007/07/25 craig birthday    
2007/04/06 my event    
2007/06/30 gave up to install this calendar    
2007/04/03 vacantion    
2007/08/28 today is the day    
2007-09-15 my evers    
2007/04/03 Daniels verjaardag    
2009-06-28 butt day    
Gallery 3 sub    
2007/07/17 Mom's B-day    
2007/06/29 FS ToDo    
DPL Example 007 main page 1    
2007/04/30 Mon événement    
2007-08-23 testing    
Bug SQL 1064    
2007/06/07 Gaudium in Poing    
2007/08/05 notiso    
An article which is only referenced by a DPL query    
2007-08-05 shit happens    
Muha Test    
Test uses    
2007/07/30 Я ухожу в отпуск    
2008-10-31 Project1 Kick-off    
2009-07-02 vacaciones    
2007/07/04 Jeremy BDay    
2007/05/17 test event    
Berliner Mauer    
2007-03-30 My very special event    
2007/03/05 third test event    
2010-02-14 San Valentín    
2007/04/28 my event name    
2007/05/03 my event name    
2008/11/12 Test    
2007/05/25 algo    
2007-08-10 birthdaytest    
2007/05/09 WooHoo    
2007/05/26 pvp    
2007/05/31 Bladadadmam    
2007/06/04 en la fing    
2007/06/06 Test    
2007/06/22 test    
2007/6/11 try out calendaring in mediawiki    
2007/06/15 Kevin out today    
2007/06/22 hello    
YYYY/mm/dd FSTest    
2007/07/10 A new wiki is born    
2007-07-13 Friday 13th    
2007-05-19 DIMON    
2008-04-24 wwww    
2008-08-28 vtest testing    
2010-05-05 testowy event    
Templates in Redirection    
2007-04-25 March for rights    
2007/06/03 June event    
2007/06/01 some event    
2007/04/26 some event    
05/04/2007 Chris    
2007/04/30 Un autre événement    
2007/05/03 hghg    
2007/05/05 hackeln    
2008-09-28 I think I have it working    

2007/04/16 my test event    
/mm/dd my event name    
2007-07-15 Baiardi    
2007/07/31 my bday    
2007-03-05 test event two    
2007-08-10 iso8601test    
2007/03/06 prova    
2007-09-01 ABC Birthday    
YYYY-mm-dd my event name    
2007-09-06me me me    
2007-09-21 Day after tomorrow    
2007/07/02 Boulot    
2007/06/24 just another test    
Some Article 4    
2007-07-22 Jocs especials a la Trinitat    
2007/04/25 DougTest    
2007/05/02 Sat Test    
2007/03/05 Test Event    
2007 04 03 daniels verjaardag    
2007/04/05 my event name    
2007-09-22 test    
2007/05/07 take wife out for movie -- Spiderman?    
2007/04/18 this events is still upcomng    
2007-01-01 Tims Test    
2007/07/07 testing cool    
2007/02/05 test test test    
Test debug    
2009-07-02 implantación    
2007-08-02 mew    
Berlin Wall    
2007/05/03 Training Basketball Team    
2007/06/13 Wiki meeting at 12 PM    
Test unescaped SQL    
2007/08/15 my event name    
City A    
2007/06/14 Practice Cal Entry    
2007-12-25 Xmas Day    
2007/06/21 milestone 4    
Test linksfrom 2    
2007/06/13 Sat and Russ Event    
2008-01-30 today by kd    
Random Chapter Content 1    
Random Chapter Content 2    
Random Chapter Content 3    
2007/07/27 FooBar's event    
5/3/07 8PM new event    
DPL Example 029/DummyPage    
Tablesort and columns    
2007/06/22 sprawdzanie kalendarza    
Some Article 5    
2007/07/05 Post 4th Party    
2008-May-23 deliver assortment to Maple Ave    
2010-11-25 Anniversary    
2007/07/25 finally    
2007-10-17 milestone - tests completed    
Test inx Nuts    
Shamim's Note    
2007/07/26 Greg's Event    
2007/08/22 this is just a test    
2007/03/29 Something is happening    
Test Amp/1    
Test inx Fruit    
2007-09-29 Viajó Ana Feli a USA    
Test inputbox    
Test matches    
2007/09/15 better not forget anniversary!!    
2007-09-28 Cours    
2007-11-05 Scary Monsters!    
2007/05/01 launch blogzapfel!    
2007-09-30 Just a check    
2007-09-30 Another quick test    
2007-12-01 Meeting    
Some other trips    
DPL Example 019    
Republic of Cape Verde    
Test onlyinclude - included page    
2007-06-06 Meeting in Paris    
Class car    
Republic of Burundi    
2007/04/27 iloveEvents    
Some Article 3    
2007/04/28 中文    
Republic of Cameroon    
2007-12-20 Blablabla    
YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar    
Class test    
Class Game    
Class vehicle    
Class Subject    
Cache Demo 2    
ECP (Form)    
Test reset categories    
Article connected by DPL category keyword    
Test matrix2    
Some Article 2    
YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month    
Class Location    
2007-08-22 The Birthday Party    

DPL Example 024    
Test subcategories    
Class Person    
Class Freshman    
People 2    
Republic of Madagascar    
2007-09-28 my birthday; send me many gifts!    
New Issue (Form)    
2007-08-01 Masterplan: World domination    
YYYY-10-03 National Holiday in Germany    
Test linksto    
Class Musical Instrument    
Translation list    
Test what links here with categories    
Example 3a    
防DDOS模块mod evasive的使用说明出自开源百科    
2007-09-20 Tsotha-Lanti meets Britney Spears    
Harry Potter    
Hermione Jean Granger    
United Republic of Tanzania    
People 1    
Muha Test 2    
Test regexp    
Example 4    
Test Sort order    
2008-06-30 something clever    
Activity 1    
Activity 2    
Activity 3    
Turnier Gruppe2    
DPL Example 011    
New Issue (Intro)    
Test columns    
Test what links here    
Class Student    
SMWpc Documentation API Category    
Test what links here 2    
DPL Example 010 page 1    
DPL Example 010    
Test transclusion bug data    
DPL Example 021    
Test ignorecase    
Nigunda Test    
Table with template inclusions    
Test calendar previous month    
Current events    
Bug sortkey    
Test goal    
Execandexit not setting dplvars    
Some Article 1    
Test category cloud sub    
DPL Example 002    
DPL Example 012    
DPL Example 103    
Test redirects    
Some trips    
DPL Example 025    
Test offset&count    
Test cat listing    
DPL Example 009    
Grube Messel    
Test imagecontainer    
SMWpc Documentation API ObjectForm    
Test escapelinks    
Current events zh-tw    
Extension Ploticus    
Event intro    
Table bug    
Test revisions    
Inputbox extension    
Test shownamespace    
DPL Example 028    
Test title    
Test onlyinclude    
DPL Example 018    
Patch to LinkHoldersArray    
Test Simple Forms    
Test export    
SMWpc Documentation API Type    
Test article structure    
DPL Example 001    
DPL Example 102    
Examples of including a template    
Tatiana Nahas    
DPL Example 101    
Page size test page 2    
SMWpc Documentation API Model    
Test category listing    
SMWpc Documentation API Instances    
Test section inclusion    
Interface list    
Test date formatting    
DPL Example 005    
DocTypes Example    
Turnier Gruppe    
Test calendar February 2007    
DPL Example 004    
DPL Example 026    
2007-06-06 London Wiki Wednesday    
Test calendar April 2007    
Test calendar March 2007    
Test adduser    
Test category cloud    
Test linksfrom    
Listing Redirects and Location    
StripMarkup extension