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{{#dpl: category=Pseudo_Namespace:Foobars|resultsheader=%TOTALPAGES% %VERSION%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat}}
{{#dpl: category=Pseudo_Namespace:Foobars|resultsheader=%TOTALPAGES% %VERSION%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat}}
  [[Special:Call/:Call extension,Hello world!| good morning! ]]
  [[Special:Call/:Call extension,Hello world!| good morning! ]]
== <nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki> DPL Invoking Example ==

Revision as of 14:03, 27 September 2009

feel free to play around


You must create valid syntax for the gallery extension if you want to use it within DPL; add debug=5 at the beginning of your statement and check what the Template Template:Infobox Country or territory dpl produces. Gero 10:34, 4 April 2008 (CEST)



There was a basic version of this extension some time ago. Later it was enhanced by many new features and the name was changed to DynamicPageList2. The new version was no longer downward compatible. At the same time the name of the original extension was changed to 'Intersection' (but the documentation kept talking of DynamicPageList and the tag name still was <DynamicPageList>).

Some time later another bunch of features had been added. And the name was changed back to DynamicPageList (which was thought to be 'free').

Meanwhile some new features had also been added to 'Intersection' and recently 'Intersection' requested its original name back - which caused a real lot of confusion regarding the naming.

Currently (as of June 2009) the status is as follows:

  • Some wikimedia websites like wikinews use the old version. They call it 'Intersection' or 'DynamicPageList'. Its tag is <DynamicPageList> and the sources are in the mediawiki SVN under the path name 'DynamicPageList'.
  • Some other websites switched to DynamicPageList2 - a version which is commonly considered to be obsolete by now. They may want to change to DPL as it is 95% downward compatible with DPL2.
  • Quite a lot of websites use DPL now, i.e. the extension distributed on this website. They call it DPL or DynamicPageList. It uses the tag <dpl> and in addition offers the parser function {{#dpl: ....}}. The source is available here under Download.

There is an opinion which says that running DPL on a major public website would introduce the risk that people write queries which consume a lot of resources. And apart from there is the problem of incompatibilities between 'Intersection' and DPL.

It is time to put an end to this mess.
  • A large effort was recently put into DPL to make it functionally 100% downward compatible with 'Intersection'. Missing commands were added and the semantics of some existing commands were slightly altered. For details read the chapter on DPL:Manual - Compatibility.
  • A concept of functional restrictions was introduced which allows it to configure DPL with different levels of functionality. The lowest level corresponds exactly to 'Intersection' as of today.
  • An advanced caching concept was introduced which makes it possible to save the result of DPL queries independent from the rest of a page. This means that this DPL cache even survives edit actions of the page containing the DPL invocation - as long as the DPL statement itself is not changed.
So, in near future there will only be one extension named DynamicPageList(DPL) which unites all previous branches.


loop detection
The output of a query will never contain the page which contains the query.
This prevents loops, but in some very rare cases it might not be what you expect.
This is a documented feature; use skipthispage = no to include the page which contains the query. Gero 12:43, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
TOC generation
When using mode=category DPL will switch off TOC generation.
Place a manual TOC pragma in your article if you want to get a table of contents
SECTION editing
When using mode=category DPL will switch off section editing generation.
Place a manual EDITSECTION pragma in your article if you want to get a table of contents


 {{#dplmatrix: name | yes | no | mode | '''indented_list''' }}






 (1) {{#dplvar:set    |name1|value1|name2|value2|..|..}}
 (2) {{#dplvar:default|name|value}}
 (3) {{#dplvar:        name}}


ordermethod Determines what criterium (resp. criteria) is (resp. are) used to order the list.


ordermethod=method1,method2,... means ordered by method1 first, then by method2, etc. (like the ORDER BY clause in SQL)

methodN can be one of the following single tokens:

outputs list based on most recent addition to the first category (requires to include one category and one only using 'category' parameter)
outputs list based on the number of times the page has been viewed (by ~popularity)
outputs list based on the size of the article (bytes of wiki text)
outputs list based on first edit to the pages (creation)
outputs list based on most recent edit to the pages
outputs list based on 'page_touched' timestamp. Read comment on page_touched field in Page_table to see the difference from most recent edit by an author.
outputs list based on the names of the reference pages which are used in the selection of a linksfrom or linksto statement. pagesel only makes sense if there is more than one page mentioned in the linksfrom or linksto condition.
outputs list sorted by article (prefix +) title
outputs list sorted by the article name regardless of namespace — (default)

methodN can also be one of the following token combinations (see also headingmode option):

outputs list sorted by category, then by first edit
outputs list sorted by category, then by last edit within a category
outputs list sorted by category, then by pagetouched
outputs list sorted by title and sortkey, requires at least one category statement
outputs list sorted by user, then by firstedit by the user
outputs list sorted by user, then by lastedit by the user
do not apply any ordering (except ordering by timestamp if you requested a list of revisions); this method must be used when you specify openreferences=yes.

Note: For downward compatibility reasons DPL will use 'addfirstcategory' as its default order method if called via the <dynamicPageList>



This list will output pages that have [[Category:Africa]] showing most recently edited articles at the top. °°|°}} {{#arraysort:x|random}} {{#arrayindex:x|0}}



Country Official Name Capital Dial Code
DPL Example 007 main page 1 (%COUNT%) Template:Country dpl.default
Nigunda (%COUNT%) Republic of Nigunda Bamitogoo 237
Nigunda Test (%COUNT%) Republic of Nigunda Test Bamitogoo Test 237
Somango (%COUNT%) Somango Island Aaaabququque 224

Number of data = 1

No Name Languages Government Area Population GDP Independence Day
1 Republic of Cameroon French,English Republic 183,568 sq mi 17,795,000 $43.196 billion 01/10/1961


{{#dpl: category=African_Union_member_states¦Cities|resultsheader=%PAGES%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat


{{#dpl: category=African_Union_member_states¦Cities|resultsheader=%TOTALPAGES%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat


1 3.2.1

 good morning! 

{{PAGENAME}} DPL Invoking Example

the {{PAGENAME}} is Sandbox