ISO 8601

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The ISO 8601 uses YYYY-MM-DD as representation (not yyyy or mm or dd).

things that have to be checked to achieve ISO 8601 conformance (maybe output is driven from settings outside DPL?)

  • output
    • e.g. on Latest Modifications per user: invoked by addeditdate -- article deleted as the DPL GUI provides more flexible methods for the same purpose
    • [1]
    • out put driven by mediwiki settings - on my own wiki the output is conforming.


			    $wikitext2=	   "createdby          =? username"
			               	."\nmodifiedby         =? username"
			               	."\nlastmodifiedby     =? username"
			    			."\nfirstrevisionsince =? yyyy/mm/dd"
			               	."\nallrevisionssince  =? yyyy/mm/dd"
			               	."\nlastrevisionbefore =? yyyy/mm/dd"
			               	."\nallrevisionsbefore =? yyyy/mm/dd"
			               	."\nnotcreatedby       =? user"
			               	."\nnotmodifiedby      =? username"
			               	."\nnotlastmodifiedby  =? username"

replace yyyy/mm/dd with YYYY-MM-DD (parsing already works, i.e. no dependencies)

The special page will die sooner or later anyway ... Gero 23:08, 16 August 2007 (CEST)