User talk:Eep²

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Revision as of 22:19, 15 September 2007 by Eep² (talk | contribs)
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Would you unblock my IP address so I can try out the new version please? I really didn't try and "cripple" your server... -Eep² 13:27, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
But if that's true then regarding the repeated requests accessing the historical version of our homepage containing the deleted query, you're saying that either:
  • I lied about the requests and created fraudulent log entries, or
  • The requests did in fact come from you, but you consider that they had no malicious intent.
Last time I tried to put all this malicious request thing behind us, you used my decision as grounds for accusation, which makes me feel hesitant about removing the block. I'll see what the other OD admins say about it. --Nad 14:00, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
Uh, you did accuse me, Nad. Do you need the link to mw:User talk:Happydog#Nad which has a link to where you deleted the "discussion" of your accusation against me of trying to "cripple" your server. Again, I can't say if the requests came from me since you could've easily created that log (and I can't access the wiki to see what was going around that time anyway--what edits I may have made, what I was trying to do at the time, etc) so I simply can't verify anything--but I know I wasn't bothering to "cripple" your wiki. Why would I? That's just lame. I'm not some people who seem to like to play mindgames with people but are really bad at it since they are so transparent to even the most simple-minded person (except HappyDog, apparently)... I'm just trying to get my damn wiki to do what I want. I don't appreciate all of your drama that you feel the need to interject. It's unfortunate there are only a limited number of form extensions (both lacking in what I want/need) but for you to overreact the way you did ever since I denied you an account on my wiki (of which no one else but me even has an account on at this time) is quite petty of you, Nad. You should already be well aware of all of this from the MediaWiki wiki but, unfortunately, you got me banned from that now with your games. I guess you don't want bug reports filed and people to actually attempt to use the extensions you create because you sure do seem to put up a lot of barriers to those trying to help you improve your work... A self-reexamination is in order, I believe--look into it. Gero, sorry to clutter up your talk page but it seems Nad only communicates publically with me (and tends to delete/rewrite things he doesn't like) since he's also blocked me from emailing him... -Eep² 14:36, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
Self examination is always good advice, and I do that a lot as its a means continuously improving ones character. But you Eep are the one here who is in most desperate need of self-examination currently, as it's your method of communicating with others that turns people against you "where ever you seem to go", and that has got you edit-blocked from Wikipedia, MediaWiki and OrganicDesign. Of course I want people helping me with feedback, and I like helping people with their problems too - this can easily be seen by the fact that I spend so much time responding to nearly all of the users involved. --Nad 23:01, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
I try to be nice to everybody. I would perceive it as gesture of fairness if you removed the above messages after, say, three or four days. Gero 16:48, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
Eep, your methods of "being nice" are very unusual as the process should not generally involve judgement or sarcasm --Nad 23:01, 7 September 2007 (CEST)
I'm nice to people at first but after someone disrespects me (especially repeatedly), the judgement and sarcasm tends to creep in. -Eep² 22:19, 15 September 2007 (CEST)