Talk:Test calendar

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Revision as of 19:45, 30 September 2007 by Zs6ro (talk | contribs)
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Customization questions

Some questions (--Eiland 15:44, 13 April 2007 (CEST)):

  1. I want the date syntax to be 2007-04-05 whatever event, so dashes instead of slashes; where do I modify this template?
  2. Is it possible to make a template for upcoming events? So for example the 10 next upcoming events? Or the ten next days?
    • Next ten days should be easy, as dpl can take several arguments for "titlematch". Create a template with the following code, and insert it in a page (you may change the "order" method at the last line, depending on how you want to see things):
  |titlematch={{#time:Y/m/d | +1 days}}%¦{{#time:Y/m/d | +2 days}}%
  |resultsheader=There are %PAGES% events planned in the next 2 days.
  |noresultsheader=No events planned so far for the next 2 days.
  |listseparators=¶{¦ class="wikitable" ¶!Date / Event name ¶!Categories ¶!Event summary ¶!Participants,¶¦-¶¦<h5>[[%PAGE%]]</h5>¶¦ %CATLIST%,,¶¦}
--Ycombarnous 19:38, 16 April 2007 (CEST)
  • Yep, thats it. Had some difficulty, before I remembered to replace the Y/m/d by Y-m-d's --Eiland 12:33, 17 April 2007 (CEST)
  • hm, can the output-number ber restricted? say I want to see max. 10 events? -- 23:29, 13 August 2007 (CEST)
use count=10. Gero 17:40, 26 August 2007 (CEST)
  1. Can these events be imported/RSSFeed' anywhere (maybe this is a DPL function?)
  2. On the monthly calendar layout, the date of the month could have __<<__ april __>>__-links for moving to the previous/next month.
  • Not sure what you mean here, there is already a a link on both sides of the month name to go to the previous/next one? --Ycombarnous 19:38, 16 April 2007 (CEST)
  • Ah, interesting, you're right. I don't have that. Is it another template? or is it the #ifexist phrase in Template:CalendarSingle? --12:33, 17 April 2007 (CEST)
  • When you call the "CalendarSingle" template, you have to specify the "basepage" name. Below is the code it will use to find if there is a previous month page existing (basically, if current calendar month is May, it will look for "Basepage April 2007" article, and add a "previous" link if it exists):
{{#ifexist: {{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 -1 month}}|[[{{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 -1 month}}|<<]]|}} 
--Ycombarnous 12:43, 17 April 2007 (CEST)
  • Is it possible that, when it not exist, it creates a new age, just like the new-event-form, according to a Template:Month? That would save me from copying-in all the months myself --Eiland 18:57, 17 April 2007 (CEST)
See Template_talk:CalendarSingle, which is getting there.


Maybe the individual event pages should contain a back-link to the calendar page? --Gero 07:01, 16 April 2007 (CEST)

Or a little calendar on each page? Tobias Conradi 19:04, 10 August 2007 (CEST)

publishing the calendar templates

  • Did you ever think of publishing these templates under wiki extensions "calendar" ?

--Gero 17:37, 16 April 2007 (CEST)

  • Yes, I thought of that place. Your calender solution competes very well with the other extensions around, I think. -- 20:50, 16 April 2007 (CEST)

The User:Hex2bit/Calendar may be a good choose

I would like to use User:Hex2bit/Calendar because it can creates calendar for each member using the wiki, but it cann't create a page with a title using the format like "03-01-2007". So anyone have ideas to solve the problem.

ISO 8601 conformance

Can the examples be changed to be ISO 8601 comform? [1] If it is ok, I would do the work. Tobias Conradi 18:58, 10 August 2007 (CEST)

I was not able to create support of old and new format Tobias Conradi 02:57, 11 August 2007 (CEST)

ParserFunctions/Expr.php errors

  • MediaWiki: 1.9.1
  • PHP: 5.1.2-Debian-0.1~sarge1 (apache2handler)
  • MySQL: 5.0.20-Debian_1-log


function ctype_alpha not available, had to add the following to Expr.php

if ( !function_exists('ctype_alpha') ) {
   function ctype_alpha($string) {
       //if ( !preg_match('|[^\pL]|', $string) )
       /* Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: PCRE does not support 
       \L, \l, \N, \P, \p, \U, \u, or \X at offset 3 in 
       /.../extensions/ParserFunctions/Expr.php on line 6
       /* alternative: */ // 
       if ( !preg_match('|[^A-Za-z]|', $string) )
           return true;
           return false;

Tobias Conradi 11:00, 11 August 2007 (CEST)

  • I've installed all the templates as per installation instructions.
  • I installed "Call", "InputBox", "Parserfunctions", "DPL", and the 'kitchen sink' !!
  • I'm using Mediawiki 1.11.0 on SuSe 10.1 Linux, PHP: 5.1.2, MySQL: 5.0.18-Max.
  • When I get to the part where I must add the relevant "calendar month|year=2007|month=09|basepage=Current events September 2007" to the Page "Current events September 2007", and then Preview, I get a blank screen. If I save, I also get a blank screen.
  • I can browse my other WikiPages but cannot get the Calendar or DPL table to show up.
  • Is there an 'easy' way to test DPL to see if its working correctly ?

Any idea where I may have gone wrong ?? --Zs6ro 00:27, 28 September 2007 (CEST)

Template:Calendar/MonthStartError: invalid time

I created the template files, added inputbox, call, etc. to my site, but when I load the Currents Events I get the inputbox with the error: Template:Calendar/MonthStartError: invalid time

Some of the information is also confusing and since this is my first time with Wikis, may just be that I don't understand the instructions.

I used the same call as shown in this site and it isn't working:

{{:Test calendar {{#time: F Y}}}}

I am really interested in implementing something like Wikipedia is using, which looks like this, but has links for each day so that people can simply add something to any day they choose.

Also, I entered an event and when I enter the same date, the event comes up in edit mode, but it does not show up when I click the Current Events link.

I am confused....anyone have some ideas?

Thank you

What happens if you write {{#time: F Y}} in an empty article? You should see something like "October 2024". I get the impression that your "ParserFunctions" extension returns "Error: invalid time" instead of something useful. And then that error message is concatenated with the path to an article ...

This must lead to an error. If you get over this, make sure that you have an article which has exactly the right name (in our case "Test calendar September 2007") and calls template 'calendar month' with the correct parameters. Next you can try to add "debug=5" (or "debug=3") to the "Template:Calendar month" and see what happens.

Gero 22:01, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, I saw your reply to the other guy so I tried the {{#time: F Y}} in an empty page and it came back with "September 2007" which i think is correct ..

I tested DPL and Call and they appear to be working fine, but the Calendar isn't working.

I can't get the actual calendar's to come up or the DPL tables. And any events I write don't show either ???

Any ideas ???

-- Zs6ro 23:51, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

Is the DPL being called? You could remove ONE *{* before the DPL statement and then you will see the DPL statement in the output (because it is no longer recognized as a parser function call). You could then copy that DPL statement to an empty article and execute it directly. You can strip down conditions until you get some output. Is that clear to you?

Gero 23:58, 29 September 2007 (CEST)

I think I know what you mean ... I removed one '{' from the Month template but nothing shows differently. I don't get any error messages.

If i click on the Mon to Fri templates i can see the calendar pictures .. Anything else and nothing shows up on the templates other than the Categories at the bottom of the pages.

Is there some way i can progressively work through this problem ??

I'm not sure if I am reading the Calendar install instructions correctly .. I think I'm doing the right thing but there seems to be some confusion now and again ...

--Zs6ro 00:11, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

I think this is only a minor problem. Leave us a link to youur wiki and we'll have a look at it. Gero 13:00, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, I would love you to look at the Wiki, but its not on-line .. I have two servers running here and http port=80 forwarding is to the 'other' server (the one that doesn't have the Wiki on it) ..

The idea is to get the Wiki shipshape and then place it on-line and take the other http (port-80) server off-line .. Do you mind if you 'hold my hand' and guide me through the processes and I can try and supply you with the information so you can make an educated decision ??

--Zs6ro 13:11, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

That´s o.k.

  • write an article which contains as its only line
{{calendar month|year=2007|month=09|basepage=Calendar Test}}

Note that in your case "Calendar Test" might have to be replaced by whatever name you have chosen for the basepage. What happens?

I did the same and put that statement onto your homepage in this wiki, see User:Zs6ro. So you can easily compare the version here and your own code.

Gero 16:10, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, I placed the line

{{calendar month|year=2007|month=09|basepage=Calendar Test}}

into a Current events Page and got the same results as when I had

{{:Current events {{#time: F Y}}}}

And that is, a blank screen ...

--Zs6ro 16:20, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, If I download your Calendar files as is, what is the basepage set to in these files - Events- ??

--Zs6ro 16:27, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

As the manual explains, the 'base page' is a prefix for the calendar page of each month. This means that you must manually create a page like Test calendar September 2007 in your wiki. This page will only contain one line of code. See the example here on this website.

Gero 16:36, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

I think I understand your problem and I changed the description of Test Calendar. The description supposes that you in your wiki use something like "Current events" as basepage whereas in this wiki itself "Test calendar" is used. This may have caused the confusion.

Gero 16:52, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, I downloaded (by exporting/importing) the Calendar Templates from this site .. I didn't edit the Templates !! ... I created a basepage "September 2007", placed

{{calendar month|year=2007|month=09|basepage=Current events}}

into it ..

It keeps coming up as a blank page !!!

Are you saying that I must edit the templates from "Test calendar" to "Current events" ?? .. If so, i have done that before but always get the same results !!

--Zs6ro 16:55, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

Gero, I followed your edited instructions again and still get the same results - a blank screen ...

And my 'Call' gives me "Template:Sun" all the time instead of the Call Help screen !!

Do you have Skype so we could 'talk' this out Gero ?? .. This is getting to me now Grrrr!!!!  :)

--Zs6ro 17:23, 30 September 2007 (CEST)

I do not use skype. But I still think that your problem is only the naming of the monthly pages. They must be named "Test calendar September 2007" or similarly, not just "September 2007". And the basepage argument of that page must exactly correspond to the basepage.

Regarding the "Call" extension: If you use firefox or Opera you should add a final "/" after the Call to see the Text of the Special page. Or, even better, you download DPL 1.4.5.
I will try to add another piece of information to the documentation. Keep calm ;-)
Gero 19:03, 30 September 2007 (CEST)


OK, downloaded DPL 1.4.5 and installed .. made no difference ... I have Call 1.4.5 also installed - no difference ...

Went through all the Calendar Templates .. They 'appear' OK ... They have 'Category:Events' as they came off of your site .. As I said earlier, the Mon to Fri templates show the calendar pictures - and thats the only time I see anything remotely looking like a calendar ... Even DPL tables don't show up !!!

All my monthly (3 of them Aug, Sep & Oct) are in the format you suggest 'Current events September 2007' ... They have "{{calendar month|year=2007|month=09|basepage=Current events})" in each of them (with their respective dates) ..

If I place 'Current events October 2024' in a new Page I get a blank Page ...

Call continues to give me just "Template:Sun" in all three browsers (IE7, Opera-9, Firefox) even if i place a "/" after Call ...

I am taking it easy - just getting frustrated !!! :)

--Zs6ro 19:45, 30 September 2007 (CEST)