Wgraph:Example 3

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Example 3

This demo graph is automatically derived from the articles and their relations within this wiki. The graph reflects articles (about painters) and their interrelationships. If you click the thumb image you will get the SVG file in which nodes contain clickable links to wiki articles.

A more generic approach for drawing wikigraphs can be found in Template:Catgraph.
Our Genealogy Sample consists of eight lessons on drawing wikigraphs.

    {{#wgraph: thumb=30 | svg | wgl |

     display_edge_labels = yes

    node "Van Gogh" { label="Van Gogh" url="Van Gogh" type="Expressionism, Painter" shape:ellipse} node "Renoir" { label="Renoir" url="Renoir" type="Impressionism, Painter" shape:hexagon layer:"1a"} node "Cezanne" { label="Cezanne" url="Cezanne" type="Painter" /* */} node "Manet" { label="Manet" url="Manet" type="Painter" scaling:1.3 color:magenta layer:"2b"} node "Signac" { label="Signac" url="Signac" type="Impressionism, Painter" /* */}

    edge {from "Renoir" to "Van Gogh" label="somehow" type="Is friend of"} edge {from "Renoir" to "Cezanne" label="somehow" type="Is friend of"} edge {from "Manet" to "Renoir" label="this way" type="Is friend of"} edge {from "Manet" to "Van Gogh" label="that way" type="Is friend of"}

     // no nodetypes

    edgetype "Is friend of" {weight:90 arrowsize:12 backarrowsize:23 color:red thickness:5 arrowstyle:solid} }}

    continue with Wgraph:Example 4
    back to Wgraph:Example 2