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Revision as of 17:32, 10 October 2007

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Show attributes for     node -- nodetype -- edge -- edgetype -- graph/subgraph -- all

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.

To Do : create reference for the following commands

'backarrowcolor'		=> 'color',
'backarrowsize'			=> 'unsigned',
'backarrowstyle'		=> 'string',	// might be 'arrowstyle' if 'old' types are sufficient
'bmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'border'				=> 'xypair',
'bordercolor'			=> 'color',			// graph, node, nodetype
'borderstyle'			=> 'linestyle',		// subgraph, node, nodetype
'borderwidth'			=> 'unsigned',		// subgraph, node, nodetype
'class'					=> 'unsigned',
'classname'				=> 'string',		// index
'cmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'cmin'					=> 'unsigned',
'color'					=> 'color',			// graph, subgraph, node, edge, nodetype, edgetype
'colorentry'			=> 'colorset',		// index
'crossingoptimization'	=> 'boolean',
'crossingphase2'		=> 'boolean',
'crossingweight'		=> 'crweight',
'dirtyedgelabels'		=> 'boolean',
'displayedgelabels'		=> 'boolean',
'edges'					=> 'boolean',
'edgetypes'				=> 'typelist',	// graph: priority sequence
'energetic'				=> 'boolean',
'energeticattraction'	=> 'float',
'energeticborder'		=> 'float',
'energeticcrossing'		=> 'float',
'energeticgravity'		=> 'float',
'energeticoverlapping'	=> 'float',
'energeticrepulsion'	=> 'float',
'equalydist'			=> 'boolean',
'fasticons'				=> 'boolean',
'fdmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'finetuning'			=> 'boolean',
'focus'					=> 'none',			// graph, node
'font'					=> 'string',		// alias for fontname
'fontname'				=> 'string',		// graph, node, nodetype
'from'					=> 'string',	// alias for source
'fstraightphase'		=> 'boolean',
'gravity'				=> 'float',
'icon'					=> 'string',		// alias for iconfile
'iconcolors'			=> 'unsigned',
'iconfile'				=> 'string',		// graph, node, nodetype
'icons'					=> 'boolean',
'ignoresingles'			=> 'boolean',
'importance'			=> 'unsigned',		// graph, node, nodetype
'info1'					=> 'string',		// graph, node, nodetype
'info2'					=> 'string',		// graph, node, nodetype
'info3'					=> 'string',		// graph, node, nodetype
'infoname'				=> 'string',		// index
'infoname'				=> 'string',		// index
'inportsharing'			=> 'boolean',
'invisible'				=> 'boolean',
'kind'					=> 'edgekind',	// edge

'label'					=> 'string',		// graph, node, edge, nodetype, edgetype
'lateedgelabels'		=> 'boolean',
'layer'					=> 'string',	// node
'layout'				=> 'layout',		// alias for layoutalgorithm
'layoutalgorithm'		=> 'layout',
'layoutdownfactor'		=> 'unsigned',
'layoutnearfactor'		=> 'unsigned',
'layoutupfactor'		=> 'unsigned',
'level'					=> 'unsigned',
'linearsegments'		=> 'boolean',
'linestyle'				=> 'linestyle',
'loc'					=> 'xypair',		// graph, node
'magneticfield1'		=> 'magfield',
'magneticfield2'		=> 'magfield',
'magneticforce1'		=> 'unsigned',
'magneticforce2'		=> 'unsigned',
'manhattanedges'		=> 'boolean',
'nearedges'				=> 'boolean',
'nodealignment'			=> 'valign',
'nodes'					=> 'boolean',
'nodetypes'				=> 'typelist',	// graph        comma separated priority sequence

'orientation'			=> 'orientation',
'outportsharing'		=> 'boolean',
'partof'				=> 'string',	// node & graph define hierarchy
'pmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'pmin'					=> 'unsigned',
'portsharing'			=> 'boolean',
'priority'				=> 'unsigned',
'priorityphase'			=> 'boolean',
'randomfactor'			=> 'unsigned',
'randomimpulse'			=> 'unsigned',
'randomrounds'			=> 'unsigned',
'range'					=> 'unsigned',
'repulsion'				=> 'unsigned',
'rmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'rmin'					=> 'unsigned',
'scaling'				=> 'float',			// graph, node, nodetype
'shape'					=> 'shape',			// graph, node, nodetype
'shownodes'				=> 'objlist',   // graph  only these are displayed
'shrink'				=> 'unsigned',		// graph, node, nodetype
'showedgetypes'			=> 'typelist',  // graph
'shownodetypes'			=> 'typelist',  // graph  only these are displayed
'skipedgetypes'			=> 'typelist',  // graph
'skipnodes'				=> 'objlist',   // graph  thrown away
'skipnodetypes'			=> 'typelist',  // graph  thrown away
'smanhattanedges'		=> 'boolean',
'smax'					=> 'unsigned',
'source'				=> 'string',
'sourcename'			=> 'string',	// alias for source
'sources'				=> 'objlist',
'splinefactor'			=> 'unsigned',
'splines'				=> 'boolean',
'spreadlevel'			=> 'unsigned',
'state'					=> 'foldstate',     // graph, node, region
'status'				=> 'foldstate',     // graph, node, region
'straightphase'			=> 'boolean',
'stretch'				=> 'unsigned',		// graph, node, nodetype
'subgraphlabels'		=> 'boolean',
'target'				=> 'string',
'targetname'			=> 'string',	// alias for target
'targets'				=> 'objlist',
'tempfactor'			=> 'float',
'tempmin'				=> 'unsigned',
'tempmax'				=> 'unsigned',
'tempscheme'			=> 'unsigned',
'temptreshold'			=> 'unsigned',
'textcolor'				=> 'color',			// graph, node, edge, nodetype, edgetype
'textmode'				=> 'halign',		// graph, node, nodetype
'textwidth'				=> 'unsigned',	// node, edge
'thickness'				=> 'unsigned',
'title'					=> 'string',		// graph, node
'to'					=> 'string',	// alias for target
'treefactor'			=> 'float',
'type'					=> 'typelist',	// node, edge   comma separated list of types

'url'					=> 'string',	// node  , becomes URL-escaped
'useedgetypes'			=> 'numberlist',	// enumeration of edgetypes to use
'useractioncmd1'		=> 'string',
'useractioncmd2'		=> 'string',
'useractioncmd3'		=> 'string',
'useractioncmd4'		=> 'string',
'useractionname'		=> 'string',   // index
'verticalorder'			=> 'unsigned',		// graph, node, nodetype
'view'					=> 'viewtype',
'weight'				=> 'unsigned',	// nodetype, edgetype  defines a default rank if edwere not specified
'width'					=> 'unsigned',		// graph, node, nodetype
'x'						=> 'unsigned',
'xbase'					=> 'unsigned',
'xclipat'				=> 'signed',
'xclipsize'				=> 'signed',
'xfactor'				=> 'unsigned',
'xoffset'				=> 'signed',
'xlspace'				=> 'unsigned',
'xmax'					=> 'unsigned',
'xspace'				=> 'unsigned',
'y'						=> 'unsigned',
'ybase'					=> 'unsigned',
'yclipat'				=> 'signed',
'yclipsize'				=> 'signed',
'yfactor'				=> 'unsigned',
'ymax'					=> 'unsigned',
'yoffset'				=> 'signed',
'yspace'				=> 'unsigned',

	private $enums = array ( 	"color" 		=> "*",
								"foldstate" 	=> "*",
								"shape" 		=> "*",
								"arrowstyle" 	=> "*",
								"arrowmode" 	=> "*",
								"edgekind"	 	=> "*",
								"linestyle"		=> "*",
								"layout" 		=> "*",
								"orientation" 	=> "*",
								"magfield"	 	=> "*",
								"valign"	 	=> "*",
								"halign"	 	=> "*",
								"viewtype"	 	=> "*",
								"crweight"	 	=> "*",
	private $enum = array (
		'boolean' 	 => array (	'yes' => 'yes', 'true' => 'yes', '1' => 'yes', 'on' => 'yes',
								'no' => 'no', 'false' => 'no', '0' => 'no' , 'off' => 'no',
		'color' 	 => array ( 'white' 		=> '*',
								'blue' 			=> '*',
								'red' 			=> '*',
								'green' 		=> '*',
								'yellow' 		=> '*',
								'magenta' 		=> '*',
								'cyan' 			=> '*',
								'darkgray' 		=> '*',
								'darkgrey' 		=> '*',
								'darkblue' 		=> '*',
								'darkred' 		=> '*',
								'darkgreen' 	=> '*',
								'darkyellow' 	=> '*',
								'darkmagenta'	=> '*',
								'darkcyan'		=> '*',
								'gold'	 		=> '*',
								'lightgray'		=> '*',
								'lightgrey'		=> '*',
								'lightblue'		=> '*',
								'lightred' 		=> '*',
								'lightgreen'	=> '*',
								'lightyellow'	=> '*',
								'lightmagenta'	=> '*',
								'lightcyan'		=> '*',
								'lilac' 		=> '*',
								'turquoise'		=> '*',
								'aquamarine'	=> '*',
								'khaki'			=> '*',
								'purple'		=> '*',
								'yellowgreen'	=> '*',
								'pink'	 		=> '*',
								'orange'		=> '*',
								'orchid' 		=> '*',
								'black' 		=> '*',
		'edgekind'	=> array ( 	'normal'		=> '*',
								'back'			=> '*',
								'near' 			=> '*',
								'rightnear'		=> '*',
								'leftnear'		=> '*',
								'bentnear' 		=> '*',
								'rightbentnear'	=> '*',
								'leftbentnear'	=> '*',
		'foldstate'	=> array (	'unfolded'		=> '*',
								'folded' 		=> '*',
								'boxed' 		=> '*',
								'clustered'		=> '*',
								'wrapped' 		=> '*',
								'exclusive' 		=> '*',
		'shape' 	 => array (	'box' 			=> '*',
								'hexagon' 		=> '*',
								'lparallelogram'=> '*',
								'rparallelogram'=> '*',
								'trapezoid'		=> '*',
								'uptrapezoid'	=> '*',
								'rhomboid' 		=> '*',
								'rhomb' 		=> '*',
								'ellipse' 		=> '*',
								'circle' 		=> '*',
								'triangle' 		=> '*',
		'arrowstyle' => array (	'solid' 		=> '*',
								'line'			=> '*',
								'none'			=> '*',
		'arrowmode' => array  (	'free'	 		=> '*',
								'fixed'			=> '*',
		'linestyle'	=> array  (	'continuous'	=> '*',
								'dashed'		=> '*',
								'dotted'		=> '*',
								'double'		=> '*',
								'invisible'		=> '*',
								'solid'			=> '*',
								'triple'		=> '*',
		'layout'	 => array (	'normal' 		=> '*',
								'maxdepth'		=> '*',
								'mindepth'		=> '*',
								'dfs'			=> '*',
								'maxdepthslow'	=> '*',
								'mindepthslow'	=> '*',
								'maxindegree'	=> '*',
								'minindegree'	=> '*',
								'maxoutdegree'	=> '*',
								'minoutdegree'	=> '*',
								'maxdegree'		=> '*',
								'mindegree'		=> '*',
								'minbackward'	=> '*',
								'tree'			=> '*',
								'forcedir'		=> '*',
		'orientation'=> array (	'toptobottom'	=> '*',
								'bottomtotop'	=> '*',
								'lefttoright'	=> '*',
								'righttoleft'	=> '*',
		'magfield'	=> array  (	'no'			=> '*',
								'toptobottom'	=> '*',
								'bottomtotop'	=> '*',
								'lefttoright'	=> '*',
								'righttoleft'	=> '*',
								'polar'			=> '*',
								'circular'		=> '*',
								'orthogonal'	=> '*',
								'polcircular'	=> '*',
		'valign'	=> array  (	'top'			=> '*',
								'center'		=> '*',
								'bottom'		=> '*',
		'halign'	=> array  (	'center'		=> '*',
								'left'			=> '*',
								'leftjustify'	=> '*',
								'right'			=> '*',
								'rightjustify'	=> '*',
		'viewtype'	=> array  (	'normal'		=> '*',
								'cfish'			=> '*',
								'fcfish'		=> '*',
								'dcfish'		=> '*',
								'pfish'			=> '*',
								'dpfish'		=> '*',
		'crweight'	 => array (	'bary'			=> '*',
								'median'		=> '*',
								'barymedian'	=> '*',
								'medianbary'	=> '*',
	private $cmdWordsWithIndex = array (
		'infoname'			=> true,
		'useractionname'	=> true,
		'colorentry'		=> true,
		'classname'			=> true,

	private $cmdWordsWithBody = array (
		'graph'				=> true,  // id  [graph]
		'subgraph'			=> true,  // id  [graph]
		'node'				=> true,  // id  [graph]
		'region'			=> true,  // id
		'nodetype'			=> true,  // id
		'edgetype'			=> true,  // id
		'edge'				=> true,  // (from) source (to) target
		'backedge'			=> true,
		'nearedge'			=> true,
		'rightnearedge'		=> true,
		'leftnearedge'		=> true,
		'bentnearedge'		=> true,
		'rightbentnearedge'	=> true,
		'leftbentnearedge'	=> true,