
From FollowTheScore
Revision as of 00:18, 21 February 2008 by DavidWhitten (talk | contribs)
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{{#wgraph: svg | thumb = 40 |

 node wgl         { type datum     label "text notation\n-- WGL --" }
 edge wgl wgraph  { kind rightnear color pink }
 node wgraph      { type process  label "Wgraph\nmediawiki extension" }
 edge wgraph gdl  { }
 node gdl         { type datum     label "graph definition\n-- GDL --" }
 edge gdl aisee   { }
 node aisee       { type process  label "aiSee\nlayout generator" 
                    href aiSee } // hyperlink to article (only svg)
 edge aisee img   { kind leftnear color blue }
 node img         { type datum     label "image\n-- png, svg --" 
                    shape hexagon }
 nodetype datum   { shape ellipse, color lightyellow,
                    bordercolor khaki, height 60 }
 nodetype process { shape box color lightmagenta 
                    bordercolor magenta height 60 }
 xspace=70, yspace=100
