Issue:"eliminate" not working when including last section of a page

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Revision as of 11:32, 15 July 2011 by Nakohdo (talk | contribs) (Reply)
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Description: When including the last section of a page, categories get included even when using "eliminate".
Extension / Version: DPL   /   1.8.9
Type / Status: Bug   /   open


When including the last section of a page, categories get included even when using "eliminate".

I suppose that's because "include" includes everything up to the next heading. And as there's no heading after the last section of a page all the stuff that comes at the end of the page (categories, template calls, magic words, etc.) will also get included. And due to parsing order "eliminate" won't catch that stuff. --nakohdo 09:41, 13 July 2011 (CEST)


You are probably right. DPL reads up to the end and finds all the category links. But I still wonder why "eliminate" does not throw these categorizations away afterwards. Gero 00:32, 15 July 2011 (CEST)

I suspect it's because some categories are added by template calls at the end of the page so they are kind of hidden when DPL parses the page. --nakohdo 10:52, 15 July 2011 (CEST)
EDIT: I now think the templates are the culprit. Every time DPL includes text which contains a template which adds a category those category will show up on the page with the DPL results even when the text doesn't come at the end of the page! --nakohdo 11:21, 15 July 2011 (CEST)
EDIT2: This might be a strange edge case in my testing environment. The described behavior only seems to occur when I use the same DPL query more than once on a page. And even the order of those DPL queries affects the result. --nakohdo 11:32, 15 July 2011 (CEST)