DPL Example 102

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Revision as of 10:27, 13 March 2009 by Gero (talk | contribs)
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Create a pie chart based on DPL query

We show the 7 most popular articles

The above script produces the following output:


  1. proc getdata

"Test5554" %COUNT% "2008-02-16 best time ever" %COUNT% "Nowa kategoria" %COUNT% "Test 001" %COUNT% "Test 002" %COUNT% "Test 003" %COUNT% "Test 004" %COUNT%

// render pie graph

  1. proc pie

datafield: 2 labelfmtstring: @@1 (@@2) labelmode: line+label outlinedetails: color=blue center: 4 4 radius: 1.6 colors: dullyellow drabgreen pink powderblue lavender labelfarout: 1.8 }}