Issue:Count and %PAGES%

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Revision as of 19:38, 26 February 2008 by Gero (talk | contribs)
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Description: %PAGES% does not show total when count is used.
Extension / Version: DPL   /   ?
Type / Status: Change Request   /   closed / 1.6.6


When using the 'count' parameter, %PAGES% only shows the number of rows retrieved, not the total number of pages in the query.

Could it use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() to retrieve the total? This would allow "Showing xx pages of yyyy" style headings.

Or am I just doing something wrong?


Eclecticdave 02:56, 26 February 2008 (CET)


Indeed this is a known flaw. I wasn´t aware of the variables or functions you are mentionig. Could you send me a patch how to do it. I would then publish a new release ...

Gero 22:42, 25 February 2008 (CET)


Sure, I threw this together over the last couple of hours, so it might have some rough edges. Seems to work for me at least ;-)

The one refinement that's probably needed is an option to turn it on/off. This change can make things slower for larger rowsets, as MYSQL has to run the whole query internally to figure out how many rows would have been returned without the LIMIT.

Eclecticdave 02:55, 26 February 2008 (CET)

diff --git a/DynamicPageList2.php b/DynamicPageList2.php
index 0f3b987..0217ee2 100644
--- a/DynamicPageList2.php
+++ b/DynamicPageList2.php
@@ -2257,6 +2257,10 @@ class ExtDynamicPageList2
         $sSqlPage_counter = '';
         $sSqlPage_size = '';
         $sSqlPage_touched = '';
+				if ( isset($iCount) && $sGoal != 'categories' )
+					$sSqlCalcFoundRows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
+				else $sSqlCalcFoundRows = '';
         if ($sDistinctResultSet == 'false') $sSqlDistinct = '';
         else								$sSqlDistinct = 'DISTINCT';
         $sSqlGroupBy = '';
@@ -2577,9 +2581,9 @@ class ExtDynamicPageList2
         // SELECT ... FROM
         if ($acceptOpenReferences)
-            $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT $sSqlDistinct " . $sSqlCl_to . 'pl_namespace, pl_title' . $sSqlSelPage . $sSqlSortkey . ' FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable;
+            $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT $sSqlCalcFoundRows $sSqlDistinct " . $sSqlCl_to . 'pl_namespace, pl_title' . $sSqlSelPage . $sSqlSortkey . ' FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable;
-            $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT $sSqlDistinct " . $sSqlCl_to . $sPageTable.'.page_namespace as page_namespace,'.
+            $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT $sSqlCalcFoundRows $sSqlDistinct " . $sSqlCl_to . $sPageTable.'.page_namespace as page_namespace,'.
             					$sPageTable.'.page_title as page_title' . $sSqlSelPage . $sSqlSortkey . $sSqlPage_counter .
                                 $sSqlPage_size . $sSqlPage_touched . $sSqlRev_user .
                                 $sSqlRev_timestamp . $sSqlRev_id . $sSqlCats . $sSqlCl_timestamp . 
@@ -2975,6 +2979,14 @@ class ExtDynamicPageList2
             $aArticles[] = $dplArticle;
         $dbr->freeResult( $res );
+				$rowcount = -1;
+				if ( isset($iCount) && $sGoal != 'categories' ) {
+					$res = $dbr->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as rowcount');
+					$row = $dbr->fetchObject ( $res );
+					$rowcount = $row->rowcount;
+					$dbr->freeResult( $res );
+				}
     // ###### SHOW OUTPUT ######
@@ -2989,25 +3001,27 @@ class ExtDynamicPageList2
                         $aSecLabels, $aSecLabelsMatch, $aSecLabelsNotMatch, $bIncParsed, $parser, $logger, $aReplaceInTitle, 
                         $iTitleMaxLen, $defaultTemplateSuffix, $aTableRow);
+				if ($rowcount == -1) $rowcount = $dpl->getRowCount();
         $dpl2result = $dpl->getText();
-        if ($sOneResultHeader != '' && $dpl->getRowCount()==1) {
+        if ($sOneResultHeader != '' && $rowcount==1) {
             $header = str_replace('%PAGES%',1,$sOneResultHeader);
-        } else if ($dpl->getRowCount()==0) {
+        } else if ($rowcount==0) {
             if ($sNoResultsHeader != '')	$output .= 	str_replace( '\n', "\n", str_replace( "¶", "\n", $sNoResultsHeader));
             if ($sNoResultsFooter != '')	$output .= 	str_replace( '\n', "\n", str_replace( "¶", "\n", $sNoResultsFooter));
             if ($sNoResultsHeader == '' && $sNoResultsFooter == '')	$output .= $logger->escapeMsg(DPL2_i18n::WARN_NORESULTS);
         else {
-            if ($sResultsHeader != '')	$header = str_replace('%PAGES%',$dpl->getRowCount(),$sResultsHeader);
+            if ($sResultsHeader != '')	$header = str_replace('%PAGES%',$rowcount,$sResultsHeader);
         $header = str_replace( '\n', "\n", str_replace( "¶", "\n", $header ));
         $header = str_replace('%VERSION%', self::VERSION,$header);
-        if ($sOneResultFooter != '' && $dpl->getRowCount()==1) {
+        if ($sOneResultFooter != '' && $rowcount==1) {
             $footer = str_replace('%PAGES%',1,$sOneResultFooter);
         } else {
-            if ($sResultsFooter != '')	$footer = str_replace('%PAGES%',$dpl->getRowCount(),$sResultsFooter);
+            if ($sResultsFooter != '')	$footer = str_replace('%PAGES%',$rowcount,$sResultsFooter);
         $footer = str_replace( '\n', "\n", str_replace( "¶", "\n", $footer ));
         $footer = str_replace('%VERSION%', self::VERSION, $footer);
@@ -3914,4 +3928,4 @@ class DPL2Logger {
\ No newline at end of file


Thanks! I added %TOTALPAGES% which triggers the extra SQL statement. Thus it is only called when needed. A test case demonstrates the usage.

Gero 18:38, 26 February 2008 (CET)