User talk:Shinjiman

From FollowTheScore
Revision as of 15:21, 16 June 2009 by Gero (talk | contribs)
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Thanks for uploading DPL 1.8.3 to the Mediawiki SVN!

I saw that you changed the php sources to utf8. I did the same with my development version !.8.5 - not yet published).

The .i18n- file was already in utf8. I did not change it (although you did so). Is that correct?

I incorporated your changes regarding 'dpl-desc' (I think there was an error in language 'zh-hans' in SVN because it said 'dpl-des' instead of 'dpl-desc'.

I added 'path' => __FILE__ and changed the href in the registration in DynamicPageList.php and in the Migration aid source.

Are there any other changes you made?

BTW: I applied for an SVN account but nobody seems to care, the queue of applicants on keeps growing ...

Gero 13:20, 16 June 2009 (UTC)