Issue:Titlematch with ignorecase brings no results
From FollowTheScore
Description: | Using titlematch and ignorecase brings no results when the string to be searched with titlematch is in the beginning of the title OR after a space. |
Extension / Version: | DPL / 2.0.1 |
Type / Status: | Bug / open |
Using titlematch and ignorecase brings no results when the string to be searched with titlematch is in the beginning of the title OR after a space. The query works normally when ignorecase is not used or when the string to be searched is in the middle of the title:
<dpl> category = SATB titlematch = Tantum ergo% ignorecase = true </dpl> ==> yields no results
<dpl> category = SATB titlematch = %Tantum ergo% ignorecase = true </dpl> ==> yields no results
<dpl> category = SATB titlematch = %antum ergo% ignorecase = true </dpl> ==> Pange lingua - Tantum ergo (Anton Bruckner) Pastorales Tantum ergo (Ignaz Reimann) Tantum ergo (A-flat major) (Anton Bruckner) Tantum ergo (B-Flat Major) (Anton Bruckner) etc.
<dpl> category = SATB titlematch = Tantum ergo% </dpl> ==> Tantum ergo (A-flat major) (Anton Bruckner) Tantum ergo (B-Flat Major) (Anton Bruckner) etc.
Removing the CAST( var AS char) from inside the LOWER() function in lines 2324, 2327, 2342, 2345 of DPLMain.php fixed this problem for me. I don't know why CAST is producing this unexpected behaviour. Capmo (talk) 06:34, 12 April 2013 (CEST)
Obs: I just found a related issue: Issue:Ignorecase=yes broken in MediaWiki 1.17.0. Maybe they have reverted their changes in column format for several fields form varbinary back to varchar?.