Template:.model meta show
From FollowTheScore
{{#form: |
{{#input:name=title|type=select|value=Class ...|
}} {{#input:type=submit|value=go}} model meta new class.. / property.. SMWpc }} |
{{#wgraph:name=class meta model|thumb=80|svg|
nodetype legend { bordercolor white color white level 0 font helvR10 }
nodetype SMWpc { color #ffeeee textcolor darkred bordercolor #ff6666} nodetype SMW { color #eeeeff textcolor blue bordercolor #6666ff} nodetype SF { color #ffccff textcolor magenta bordercolor #ff66ff} nodetype wiki { color #eeeeee textcolor black bordercolor #666666} nodetype user { color #eeffee textcolor black bordercolor #66ff66 } nodetype * { font helvO12 align left }
edgetype SMWpc { textcolor darkred color red } edgetype SMW { textcolor blue color blue } edgetype user { textcolor darkred color darkgreen } edgetype wiki { textcolor black color black } edgetype * { font helvO10 textwidth 25}
node Property {label 'Property
* display units
* imported from
* provides service
\f09* .prop scope
* .prop reverse
* .prop doc
* .prop mandatory
* .prop unique
* .prop icon
* .prop color' href 'Special:Properties' textwidth 30 type SMW} node Form {label 'Form' href 'Special:Forms' type SF} node Field {label 'Field' type SF} node Type {label 'Type
* allows value
* corresponds to
\f09* .type built-in' href 'Special:Types' textwidth 30 type SMW} node Template {horizontal_order 10 type wiki} node ObjForm {label 'Object Template\n(~data template of SF)' horizontal_order 15 type SMWpc} node Category {horizontal_order 20 level 2 type wiki } node Class {label 'Class
* .class color
* .class icon
+ .class doc' horizontal_order 5 type SMWpc} node Article {label 'Article
\f01* equivalent URI' color lightgreen textwidth 30 type user} edge Class Category {label 'corresponds to' linestyle dotted type SMWPc}
backedge Property Template {label '.prop assigned by
(1..n)' type SMWpc } backedge Property Class {label '.prop refers to
(0..1)' type SMWpc } backedge Property Class {label '.prop describes
(1..n)' type SMWpc } backedge Property Property {label '.prop derived from
(0..1)' type SMWpc } backedge Property Property {label 'subproperty of' type SMW } edge Category Form {label 'has default form' type SF } edge ObjForm Form {label 'works together with' type SMWpc } nearedge Field Form {label 'is part of' type SF } nearedge Field Property {label 'represents' type SF } backedge Class Class {label '.class extends
(0..1)' type SMWpc } edge Property Type {label 'has type' type SMW } edge Article Template {label 'uses templates to assign\nproperties individually' linestyle dotted type user } edge Article ObjForm {label 'uses template to\ndescribe the whole object' linestyle dotted type user } nearedge ObjForm Template {label 'uses template to assign properties' type SMWpc } nearedge ObjForm Category {label 'assigns article to\na category' type SMWpc } edge Article Class {label '.obj is a
(0..1)' type user } edge Article Category {label 'automatically becomes member\nof a category which corresponds\nto the Class' linestyle dotted type user } edge Category Category {label 'is part of' type wiki } edge Article Property {label 'is annotated with properties according to the templates' type SMW }
splines yes
}} This is the common meta model for Semantic MediaWiki (SMW), Semantic Forms (SF) and Semantic MediaWiki with Property Clusters (SMWpc). Blue attributes and relations are part of SMW, red/brown attributes and relations belong to SMWpc. The green color stands for the user´s document and magenta is the color for SF.