Test cat listing
Test | cat listing |
pages and theitr categories
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Unknown parameter 'addcatgeories' was ignored. Help: available parameters: addauthor, addcategories, addcontribution, addeditdate, addexternallink, addfirstcategorydate, addlasteditor, addpagecounter, addpagesize, addpagetoucheddate, adduser, allowcachedresults, allrevisionsbefore, allrevisionssince, articlecategory, cacheperiod, categoriesminmax, category, categorymatch, categoryregexp, columns, count, createdby, debug, distinct, dominantsection, eliminate, escapelinks, execandexit, firstrevisionsince, fixcategory, format, headingcount, headingmode, hiddencategories, hitemattr, hlistattr, ignorecase, imagecontainer, imageused, include, includematch, includematchparsed, includemaxlength, includenotmatch, includenotmatchparsed, includepage, includesubpages, includetrim, inlinetext, itemattr, lastmodifiedby, lastrevisionbefore, linksfrom, linksto, linkstoexternal, listattr, listseparators, maxrevisions, minoredits, minrevisions, mode, modifiedby, multisecseparators, namespace, noresultsfooter, noresultsheader, notcategory, notcategorymatch, notcategoryregexp, notcreatedby, notlastmodifiedby, notlinksfrom, notlinksto, notmodifiedby, notnamespace, nottitlematch, nottitleregexp, notuses, offset, oneresultfooter, oneresultheader, openreferences, order, ordercollation, ordermethod, qualitypages, randomcount, redirects, replaceintitle, reset, resultsfooter, resultsheader, rowcolformat, rows, rowsize, scroll, secseparators, showcurid, shownamespace, skipthispage, stablepages, suppresserrors, table, tablerow, tablesortcol, title, titlegt, titlelt, titlematch, titlemaxlength, titleregexp, usedby, userdateformat, uses
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Error: Too many categories! Maximum: 4. Help: increase $wgDplSettings['maxCategoryCount']
to specify more categories or set $wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedCategories'] = true;
for no limitation. (Set the variable in the wiki's LocalSettings.php
configuration file.)
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.
pages and subcategories in Cat 1
pages and subcategories in Cat 11
pages and subcategories in Cat 12
pages and subcategories in *Cat 1
pages and subcategories in *Cat 0
pages and subcategories in **Cat 0
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Error: Too many categories! Maximum: 4. Help: increase $wgDplSettings['maxCategoryCount']
to specify more categories or set $wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedCategories'] = true;
for no limitation. (Set the variable in the wiki's LocalSettings.php
configuration file.)
Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.