Issue:Createdby not working

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Revision as of 00:30, 21 November 2008 by Gero (talk | contribs)
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I have just upgraded to DPL 1.7.4 running on

- Windows Server 2003 (in VM-ware, 2GB RAM) - Apache 2.2.4 - php 5.2.4 - Mediawiki 1.9.2 - MySQL 5.0.24a - mod_perl 2.0.3 - Perl 5.8.8 - APC 3.0.15-dev

But when I try and run

<DPL> createdby=Andygray addauthor=true </DPL>

I am getting all users content, i.e. it does not seem to work

What am I doing wrong or is this a bug?


Obviously this is a bug. The following query limits articles to A% and only searches the main namespace. As you can see, many pages are being found which were not created by you ...


We show the SQL statement - obviously it lacks a restriction regarding the author

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: No results.