Difference between revisions of "Template:DT Article Edit (Intro).de"

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Latest revision as of 14:04, 25 November 2007

Der folgende Text ist noch nicht in der Sprache Deutsch verfügbar ...

Here you define the edit form which will be presented to a user who wants to create a new document of your Type.

  • Leave the first two lines as they are. They serve as a hint to the user who must enter a headline for the article and for each object he wants to define.
  • Replace Type? by the name of your Type
  • Leave the next line ( ID = ) as it is. The user must enter the object ID here. You should have one space after the = sign.
  • Replace Atr * by the attribute names of your Type. Create one line per attribute. Have one space after the = sign. There are three different options which depend on the kind of values your attribute may have:
    • Simple text. Inline formatting (bold, italics) is possible, images and links as well. Enumerations must start in the first column of a new line. The first line must not start with an enumeration. Headlines like ===Headline=== are not allowed. The user is expected to enter the attribute value directly after the = sign (leaving one space by convention). Usually the text will fit into one line or comprise only a few lines.
    • Simple text starting in a NEW LINE. The same as above but enumerations will also be recognized at the beginning of the attribute values. This takes slightly more space in the wiki representation. The user may enter attribute values directly after the = sign or start in the next line. The text would typically comprise several lines of text, maybe several paragraphs.
    • Full text field. The value of such fields MUST start with a single dot (which will be eliminated automatically). You should provide that dot in your form as shown in Atr 3 = . . The user must start with his field contents in the next line. To indicate this you should leave an empty line after such attributes. Headlines are allowed. They start on level THREE (as level TWO is used for the object headers!) and MUST be INDENTED by at least one space. This is necessary to avoid confusion of the wiki parser with section editing. Spaces before headings will automatically be stripped so that these 'indented' headings will work in the normal way.
  • Sometimes you want to nest Types. In such cases you embed a type within the contents of your attribute just like a wiki template:
  |Atr 1        =
  |Atr 2        =
  |Atr 3        = {{OtherType
    |Atr 3-1    = 
    |Atr 3-2    = 
  |Atr 4        =
  • You should use proper indenting in your form. This improves readability of object definitions significantly. You may want to use an alternate indenting style like this:
  |       first Attribute =
  | a long Attribute name =
  |       third Attribute =
  • It is inmportant for users to understand that they can pack several object definitions into one DT_Article. The last comment line in the form gives a hint with regard to this. You may or may not leave it in your form. You may even describe criteria which help your user decide why/when he should or should not make use of this feature.

Hier wird das Edit-Fromular definiert, das dem Benutzer bei der Erfassung neuer Artikel präsentiert wird.

  • Die ersten beiden Zeilen nicht ändern.
  • Der Platzhalter Type? ist mit dem Namen des Typs zu ersetzten.
  • Das Feld ID soll unverändert bleiben.
  • Die nachfolgende Auflistung bestimmt die später im Editor zu bearbeitenden Attribute des neuen Typ's. Es sind dabei verschiedene Feldarten möglich, die zu teilweise unterschiedlichem Verhalten bei der Wiki-Darstellung führen. Die Atr Platzhalter sind durch die gewünschten eigenen Attribute zu ersetzen. Es können beliebig viele Attribute angegeben werden, Nicht benötigte Attribute / Platzhalter können gelöscht werden.
    • Normalerweise schreibt der Nutzer den Feldinhalt direkt hinter das "=" (ein Leerzeichen Abstand).
    • Wenn ein Feld auch Übertschriften enthalten können soll, dann setzt man hinter das "=" einen "." und der Benutzer startet in der nächsten Zeile.