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This is a calendaring application based on DPL functionality.
This is a calendaring application based on DPL functionality.

Revision as of 21:55, 28 March 2007


This is a calendaring application based on DPL functionality.

How to use it for your websites:

  1. Download the following templates, and create them into your wiki:
  2. Download the extensions "parserfunctions" and "inputbox" from mediawiki website.
  3. Now, create the base page where the current month calendar will be created (like "Current events"), and insert below code in it:
{{:Test calendar {{#time: F Y}}}}
  1. Finally, create one page per month with the format "base page Month year" (example: "Current events April 2007"), insert below code and make sure to replace "2007/04" below by the month and year from the current page name)
  buttonlabel=create new Event
  default=2007/04/05 my event name
  preload=Event template

  |resultsheader=There are %PAGES% events planned this month.
  |noresultsheader=No events planned so far for this month.
  |listseparators=¶{¦ class="wikitable" ¶!Date / Event name ¶!Categories ¶!Event summary ¶!Participants,¶¦-¶¦<h5>[[%PAGE%]]</h5>¶¦ %CATLIST%,,¶¦}

  1. To create a custom event, edit the template Event template, and edit the above DPL.


Test calendar March 2025