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(New section: Namespace help!)
Line 188: Line 188:
Sorry that you have such trouble. Currently I do not have much time for DPL due to many other obligations. But this will change again after summer. [[User:Gero|Gero]] 22:21, 10 June 2008 (CEST)
Sorry that you have such trouble. Currently I do not have much time for DPL due to many other obligations. But this will change again after summer. [[User:Gero|Gero]] 22:21, 10 June 2008 (CEST)
== Namespace help! ==
I've been having significant issues with getting the calendar to work with different namespaces. I have a projects namespace that I wanted to have a calendar for and another namespace called Office that I've also created a calendar for. The calendar seems fine, however if I try to view the next month I get the following error:
%DPL-1.7.4-ERROR: Wrong '$0' parameter: 'namespace'! Help: $0= empty string (Main).
This is the URL: *hidden*/wiki/index.php/Special:Call/:Current_events%2Cyear%3D2008%2Cmonth%3D07%2Cbasepage%3DCurrent_events%2CeventList%3Dcurrent%2Cpurpose%3D%2Cnolink%3D%2Cnoadd%3D%2Cshow%3D%2Cnamespace%3DFASRO_Projects%2Cwidth%3D
This is my calendar definition:
{{:Current events|namespace=FASRO_Projects}}
Any help would be appreciated.

Revision as of 16:08, 24 June 2008

Template talk:CalendarSingle


I've made a preload version of the calendar which directs to Template:Monthly_calendar [1], and if the month calendar doesnt exist yet, creates it. Now to find a few to pass the month-number... Maybe is possible by extracting it from the {{PAGENAME}}.

{{Calendar/MonthStart{{#time:D|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-01 +1 second}}
|prev_month={{#ifexist: {{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 -1 month}}|[[{{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 -1 month}}|<<]]|[{{fullurl:{{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 -1 month}}|action=edit&preload=Template:Monthly_calendar}} <<]}}
|next_month={{#ifexist: {{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 +1 month}}|[[{{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 +1 month}}|>>]]|
[{{fullurl:{{{basepage}}} {{#time:F Y|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-03 +1 month}}|action=edit&preload=Template:Monthly_calendar}} >>]}}

-- Eiland 01:19, 26 August 2007 (CEST)

Date bug

If you look at the calendar, you will see that this month (December 2007) starts on a Friday. This is not correct, it should start on a saturday. You can correct this by changing

{{Calendar/MonthStart{{#time:D|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-01 +1 second}}


{{Calendar/MonthStart{{#time:D|{{{year}}}-{{{month}}}-02 +1 second}}

. But I really don't think this is the best way to do it. I have it changed this way on my wiki, but I'd really like to see a proper solution.

--El sjaako 03:25, 18 December 2007 (CET)


For some strange reason the #time function seems to deliver different values under different versions of MW / PHP. Indeed it may be necessdary to use day 1/8/15/22 here or 2/9/16/23. So if months start at the wrong day just change the number here. Maybe sometime there will be a better solution ... Gero 08:38, 22 December 2007 (CET)

Re reply

Hi Gero. Yes. you are right. The early code had run right results in my wiki until I imported the new code you saved the version. Now I've changed it to early right version for me.

My environment
  • Win XP
  • MediaWiki: 1.11.0
  • The AppServ Open Project - 2.5.7 for Windows
    • PHP: 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
    • MySQL: 5.0.24a-community-nt-log

Template talk:Calendar month

Instead of a link to the header of the page, is it possible that the calendar supplies a link to the actual page whihc is on a specific date, so for example directly to 2007-08-22 The Birthday Party? -- Eiland 21:25, 25 August 2007 (CEST)

You could change the 'Calendar link'. Leave away the # sign before the %PAGE% ... Gero 15:02, 26 August 2007 (CEST)
Ah! that was easy! -- Eiland 15:32, 26 August 2007 (CEST)
On second thought, yes it works, but what will happen when there will be two events for one day? I'll have to think of something clever. Maybe some kind of interim pages which noted that there were two entries with that date, and offers choice. But this seems quite something to implement. Or maybe a date which collects all pages starting with 2007-08-31; that could be a DPL'd page, no? -- 11:49, 31 August 2007 (CEST)

I really like DPL Calendar. It works beautifully with the skin Monobook. However, my wiki's default skin is gumax 3.0 [2]. Sadly, when I try to view my calendar in that skin the page that loads is completely blank. Any ideas as to what might be going on and how I might fix it? Will gladly provide full information regarding setup if that would be useful. --Rowenrye 21:02, 18 January 2008 (CET)

Resolved It turns out that although gumax 3.0 seemed to be working perfectly well, I needed to update to gumax 3.3. DPL calendar now works with that skin as well. The problem was with the skin not with DPL Calendar. Forgot to sign my first time through, so both the problem and the resolution have the same timestamp. --Rowenrye 21:02, 18 January 2008 (CET)

Strange Behavior - date of Jan 1, 2008 incorrect

I have calendar up and running. There is just one very strange problem: Jan 1, 2008 appears as a Wednesday, rather than as a Tuesday when I go to Current Events in my wiki. I don't know how to correct this, or if I might have done something to create the problem in the first place. Please advise.

--Rowenrye 23:10, 24 January 2008 (CET)

The reason for this is still unclear. It varies between installations, maybe depending on the php version used. You must change a value in Template:CalendarSingle from 16 to 15. There is a comment at the point where you have to do this.

Gero 08:48, 25 January 2008 (CET)

Comment located. Change performed. Problem fixed. Thanks for the prompt assistance and thanks for making such a good calendar tool for use with mediawiki.

--Rowenrye 08:59, 25 January 2008 (CET)

How to upgrade from 'old' to 'latest' Calendar version ?

Hallo gero - remember me ?? - Now don't get a heart attack ...

I am still using your 'old' Calendar version ... I see that your latest version has some neat changes ... What is required for me to upgrade to your latest Calender version?

I would rather ask before downloading all the files and then end up with a problem ..

When i upgrade, will I lose all my calendar entries ???

--Zs6ro 23:45, 5 February 2008 (CET)

DPL Error


I have just install the template and when call it I am geting the following error

%DPL-1.6.5-ERROR: Wrong 'notnamespace' parameter: 'Template'! Help: notnamespace= empty string (Main) | AWMN-2764 | AWMN-2764_συζήτηση | Calendar | MediaWiki | MediaWiki_talk | Property | Property_talk | Relation | Relation_talk | Type | Type_talk | Βοήθεια | Εικόνα | Κατηγορία | Πρότυπο | Συζήτηση | Συζήτηση_βοήθειας | Συζήτηση_εικόνας | Συζήτηση_κατηγορίας | Συζήτηση_προτύπου | Συζήτηση_χρήστη | Χρήστης.

Can you help me with this ?


--Eaggelidis 18:46, 10 February 2008 (CET)

Maybe there is a linefeed too much...

I suggest that you leave the URL to your wiki here then we can have a look.
Gero 22:02, 11 February 2008 (CET)

I have a suggestion...

Go to Template:Calendar month and search for the line that contains notnamespace. Replace Template with the translation of Template in your language. i.e. "notnamespace=Template" in "notnamespace=Here the translation of Template in your language - (greek) i suppose"
Hydro 15:00, 14 March 2008 (CET)



When I compile Template:Create_Event in my wiki it gives me the raw html code on the page.

It looks like this

Create an event for {{{prefix}}} 

<form name="createbox" action="/TaxCon/12/index.php" method="get" class="createbox" 
onsubmit="document.createbox.title.value = document.createbox.titleprefix.value + document.createbox.title.value;"> <input type='hidden' name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="preload" value="Template:Event template" /> <input type="hidden" name="editintro" value="Event intro" /> <input type='hidden' name="titleprefix" value="{{{prefix}}}_" /> 
<input class="createboxInput" name="title" type="text" value="" size="25" /> <input type='submit' name="create" class="createboxButton" value="create" /> </form> 

Actually when I saw it on your page it showed me the input box.

When I checked the source of the page it showed me:

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td bgcolor=""><form name="createbox" action="/TaxCon/12/index.php" method="get" class="createbox"
<p>	onsubmit="document.createbox.title.value = document.createbox.titleprefix.value + document.createbox.title.value;">
	<input type='hidden' name="action" value="edit" />
	<input type="hidden" name="preload" value="Template:Event template" />
	<input type="hidden" name="editintro" value="Event intro" />
	<input type='hidden' name="titleprefix" value="{{{prefix}}}_" />
</p><p>	<input class="createboxInput" name="title" type="text"
	value="" size="25" />
	<input type='submit' name="create" class="createboxButton"
	value="create" />

How do I rectify this? NilamDoc 22:20, 14 March 2008 (CET)

Re: Create Event
Hi, I'd like to let you know I'm getting the same thing. Anybody have any ideas on how to address this?

Thanks, Micah

Same problem

I am having the same problem with the special page create event. I have it loaded in both a unix environment and a windows and all i can get is the code.

Addition I tried copying/pasting the code that shows up on the special page create event into a brand new 'normal' page that i named create event.. and it shows up fine as an input box. just not sure how to get it to work with the code since all the hyperlinks point to the special page which doesn't work

04-16-08 Addition I think i just found out it's a problem between using 1.11 and 1.12. i have a copy of 1.11 and everything works just fine. in 1.12 it appears that the special page create event no longer works. i wonder if this is the nested template problem mentioned on the front page

Also had a question about the downloads. In the instruction it says:

from this website (via Download and unzip)
DPL extension
Call extension
Inputbox extension (this is slightly modified compared to the official release)
from mediawiki.org:
mw:Extension:StringFunctions -- there is a slightly enhanced version of this extension under StringFunctions in this :wiki which understands regular expressions; it is recommended (though currently not necessary) to use that one

But when you get the first download it includes Variables and StringFunctions.. Which one are we supposed to use? the one from the bundle or the one from mediawiki?


I am afraid you are another victim of 1.12. incompatibilities with former versions. Please help us to put pressure on MW developers (see homepage of this wiki and foloow the link; please support the bugzilla issue regarding DPL).

The calendar works fine with the versions of other extensions which are delivered in a bundle together with DPL. The ZIP archive is the master (in case there is a duplication/redundancy with a page of this wiki). Other versions may or may not work - there is no common release management possible for extensions which are independently developed and maintained by different people. Gero 12:46, 17 April 2008 (CEST)

'latest' Calendar version ?

Gero, I didn't get a reply from you regarding upgrading from the earlier to the latest version of your Calendar, so I did it anyway, following the instructions on the install page .. I downloaded the zip file, installed all the relevant files which were needed (some were newer than mine) ...

I then exported the templates as suggested and imported them to my wiki after deleting my 'old' Calendar templates .. The 'Event info' would not import .. Eventually discovered that I was getting an error:

[Sat May 10 18:18:09 2008] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mb_strpos() in xxxxxxxx/extensions/StringFunctions/StringFunctions.php on line 160, referer: http://www.zs6ro.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Event_intro&action=edit

I then changed my StringFunctions.php file back to the 'old' one but got the same error report ..

Line 160 of StringFunctions.php is '$ret = mb_strpos ( $inStr, $inNeedle, intval ( $inOffset ) );'

If I click on 'Current events' I get a mangled page ...

My wiki version is 1.12.0 ; My PHP version is 5.2.6 (apache2handler) ; MySQL version is 5.0.18-Max ...

My wiki webpage is 'http://www.zs6ro.co.za' .. Please advise and edit if required Gero .. Thanks ..

--Zs6ro 18:38, 10 May 2008 (CEST)


Sorry for the trouble you are having. My family convinced me to have a week of holiday starting tomorrow ;-), so I will come back to this issue the week after next week. Gero 01:46, 11 May 2008 (CEST)


Ok on the front page it reads: DPL should work under MW 1.12 and after with full functionality. Thanks to all who contributed to the necessary modifications in MW 1.12 / 1.13. If you use DPL with MW 1.12 or later and notice any differences compared to older MediaWIki versions: please report! But here on the discussion page it sounds like this is not entirely true because some of the issues people are having (Create event showing as html rather than input box) are being attributed to 1.12 breaking things. Could someone please clarify? I downloaded all the files again and imported the templates; i am using 1.12. Should things work now or do i still need to incorporate the line $wgParserConf['class'] = 'Parser_OldPP'; in my LocalSettings.php to get the calendar to work?


By now it should work without the special configuration in your LocalSettings.php. If it doesn´t: please let us know! Gero 19:05, 28 May 2008 (CEST)

It does not work on my wiki without the Parser_OldPP line added. Based on the info on the Special Pages --> version here is my information:

MediaWiki 1.12.0
PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.44sp1
DPL2 1.7.4
ParserFunctions 1.1.1 (i downloaded the version that said was for 1.12
InputBox does not show a version
StringFuntions 1.9.3
Variables does not show a version

I also re-exported the template pages from here and deleted the pages on my wiki and reimported. All of them except one showed updated versions on import. The calendar itself looks ok but when you click on a date to add an event you see html code rather than the input box.

If you need any further information, please let me know.

--Kay Just to follow up again. YOu said if there were still issues to let you know, and i did but i haven't heard anything back and i'm not sure what to do from here on out. I would like to continue to be able to use DPL.. and specifically the Calendar but the calendar doesn't work on my wiki w/o the Parser_OldPP line and that line causes other things to break so i am rather at an impasse. If i don't get this sorted out i am going to have to remove the calendar and i'd really rather not do that if there is anyway to work around the problems without causing more.


Ok. i was told to 'let us know' if the extension doesn't work. I did.. i gave all the details i know to give.. i've followed up left and right and can't get any responses.. and i'm at wit's end as to what to try now so it looks like i am going to have to do without the DPL calendar. If this ever gets fixed to work with 1.12 and without the Parser_OldPP line added to LocalSettings or someone has the time/inclination to help me work through this, i'd be very grateful but for the time being the broken 'Create events' page is causing too much confusion that i can't leave it there any longer.


Sorry that you have such trouble. Currently I do not have much time for DPL due to many other obligations. But this will change again after summer. Gero 22:21, 10 June 2008 (CEST)

Namespace help!

I've been having significant issues with getting the calendar to work with different namespaces. I have a projects namespace that I wanted to have a calendar for and another namespace called Office that I've also created a calendar for. The calendar seems fine, however if I try to view the next month I get the following error:

%DPL-1.7.4-ERROR: Wrong '$0' parameter: 'namespace'! Help: $0= empty string (Main).

This is the URL: *hidden*/wiki/index.php/Special:Call/:Current_events%2Cyear%3D2008%2Cmonth%3D07%2Cbasepage%3DCurrent_events%2CeventList%3Dcurrent%2Cpurpose%3D%2Cnolink%3D%2Cnoadd%3D%2Cshow%3D%2Cnamespace%3DFASRO_Projects%2Cwidth%3D

This is my calendar definition:

{{#vardefine:year|2024}}{{#vardefine:month|09}} {{#vardefine:width|}}{{#vardefine:noadd|}}{{#vardefine:nolink|}}{{#vardefine:purpose|}}{{#vardefine:show|}}{{#vardefine:namespace|FASRO_Projects}}

{{Calendar/MonthStartError: Invalid time.
[[Special:Call/:Current events,year=Error: Invalid time.,month=Error: Invalid time.,basepage=Current events,eventList=current,purpose={{#var:purpose}},nolink={{#var:nolink}},noadd={{#var:noadd}},show={{#var:show}},namespace={{#var:namespace}},width={{#var:width}}|<<]]

Error: Invalid time.
{{#replace:{{#replace:{{#replace:²²:Category:{{#var:purpose}}³³|¦|³³, ²²:Category:}}|²|[}}|³|]}}

[[Special:Call/:Current events,year=Error: Invalid time.,month=Error: Invalid time.,basepage=Current events,eventList=current,purpose={{#var:purpose}},nolink={{#var:nolink}},noadd={{#var:noadd}},show={{#var:show}},namespace={{#var:namespace}},width={{#var:width}}|>>]]
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.

25{{{#var:show.default|%PAGE%=YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month|%TITLE%=YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month|%DATE%=|%USER%=}}

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.


Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.

27{{{#var:show.default|%PAGE%=YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar|%TITLE%=YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar|%DATE%=|%USER%=}}

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.2.1: Warning: Skipping bad option '{{#var:purpose}}' for parameter 'category'.

29=Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 30=Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 31=Expression error: Unexpected < operator. year={{#var:year}}



[[Special:Call/Calendar month,eventList=all,basepage=Current events,year={{#var:year}},month={{#var:month}},purpose={{#var:purpose}}|all events]]

There are 2 events planned this month.

Date / Event name Event summary Participants Location Categories
YYYY-MM-25 prepare plan for next month

By the 25th of each month we have to publish the planned excursions for next month

blackboard in the entrance hall

YYYY-MM-27 Test calendar

Describe the event here lit...

Enter the participants here ...

Enter the place here ...


Any help would be appreciated.
