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Revision as of 22:41, 22 August 2012 by Gero (talk | contribs) (DOWNLOAD Dynamic Page List)
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DOWNLOAD Dynamic Page List

  • DPL 2.01 outputs wiki code only; this means that the trouble and potential security risks of using rawHtml no longer exist
  • DPL does no longer clear the parser state. This means that conflicts between DPL and the cite extension are gone.
  • The filenames in DPLCACHE are now protected against malicious path like "../../xyz", fixed extension ".dplc" is built-in
NOTE : Since the last publication of DPL by the author 
       several useful changes have been made in the SVN system.
       These changes are now included in DPL 2.01 (which is offered for download below).

Source code for DynamicPageList (Version 2.01) : download DPL (ZIP).

There is also an archive of older versions.

Other extensions

Source code for all other extensions can be downloaded here: download all other extensions (ZIP).

  • To use PLOTICUS you need to download a runtime version of PLOTICUS for your operating system.

To use Wgraph you need the gnu utility recode. For convenience we provide a

  • recode archive which contains binary versions for windows and linux. You must place the files under
    • extensions/Wgraph/linux/bin/recode (linux)
    • extensions\Wgraph\windows\bin\recode.exe (windows)

Read the installation instructions for DPL and the installation instructions for Wgraph carefully. Especially a linux installation of Wgraph needs some care. It is not sufficient to copy the downloaded files to the extension directory and add the require_once statements in LocalSettings.php!!