
From FollowTheScore
Revision as of 23:18, 24 June 2009 by Gero (talk | contribs)
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Unfortunately it contains a severe bug (ambiguous SQL statement created).
you can take 1.8.4 (June 18, 2009) from the archive  instead.

The source code for DynamicPageList and all related extensions can be downloaded here as a ZIP archive '.

If you are not interested in the other extensions, just ignore them.

To use Wgraph you need the gnu utility recode. For convenience we provide a

  • recode archive which contains binary versions for windows and linux. You must place the files under
    • extensions/Wgraph/linux/bin/recode (linux)
    • extensions\Wgraph\windows\bin\recode.exe (windows)

Read the installation instructions for DPL and the installation instructions for Wgraph carefully. Especially a linux installation of Wgraph needs some care. It is not sufficient to copy the downloaded files to the extension directory and add the require_once statements in LocalSettings.php!!