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feel free to play around


You must create valid syntax for the gallery extension if you want to use it within DPL; add debug=5 at the beginning of your statement and check what the Template Template:Infobox Country or territory dpl produces. Gero 10:34, 4 April 2008 (CEST)



In the standard configuration DPL registers the <DynamicPageList> tag. This is needed to be downward compatible with extension 'Intersection'.

In the transition phase you may want to install DPL in PARALLEL to 'Intersection' for testing. DPL offers a second entry point for that purpose. Instead of require_once("DynamicPageList.php") you have to use require_once("DPLMigration.php"). DPL will then ONLY register a tag called <Intersection>

In this constellation you can change some of your existing calls of 'Intersection' (which use the <DynamicPageList> tag) to the <Intersection> tag. Once you are convinced that this produces identical results and works with equal efficiency you can change to require_once("DynamicPageList.php"). Don't forget to change the statements back to the <DynamicPageList> tag!. Of course you must also remove the require_once() for the Intersection extension. °°° The code of this extenstion uses some MySQL-specific functions which don't exist in PostgreSQL. In order to avoid patching each new version of DyanmicPageList, I suggest to run the following script on your postgres Database (from the postgres account). This simply emulates the MySQL functions.

create schema mysql;

grant usage on schema mysql to public;

alter user wikiuser set search_path to mediawiki, public, mysql;

create or replace function mysql.concat(text, text) returns text
as $function$
    return $1 || $2;
$function$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

create or replace function mysql.if(boolean, text, text) returns text
as $function$
    if $1 then
      return $2;
      return $3;
    end if;
$function$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

create or replace function mysql.ifnull(text, text) returns text
as $function$
    select coalesce($1, $2) as result
$function$ language 'sql';


 {{#dplmatrix: name | yes | no | mode | '''indented_list''' }}




 (1) {{#dplvar:set    |name1|value1|name2|value2|..|..}}
 (2) {{#dplvar:default|name|value}}
 (3) {{#dplvar:        name}}


 {{#dplchapter: text | heading | limit | page | linktext }}

° Download the ZIP archive and extract the DynamicPageList subdirectory to a directory named yourwiki/extensions/DynamicPageList. You may ignore the other extensions but it is recommended to install at least Call and Inputbox as some DPL based applications like the DPL GUI use them. °|°}} {{#arraysort:x|random}} {{#arrayindex:x|0}}



Country Official Name Capital Dial Code
DPL Example 007 main page 1 (%COUNT%) Template:Country dpl.default
Nigunda (%COUNT%) Republic of Nigunda Bamitogoo 237
Nigunda Test (%COUNT%) Republic of Nigunda Test Bamitogoo Test 237
Somango (%COUNT%) Somango Island Aaaabququque 224

Number of data = 1

No Name Languages Government Area Population GDP Independence Day
1 Republic of Cameroon French,English Republic 183,568 sq mi 17,795,000 $43.196 billion 01/10/1961


{{#dpl: category=African_Union_member_states¦Cities|resultsheader=%PAGES%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat


{{#dpl: category=African_Union_member_states¦Cities|resultsheader=%TOTALPAGES%|noresultsheader=none|mode=userformat


1 3.2.1

 good morning!