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(New page: <ploticus> #set TODATE = 9903 //<b> Set up plotting area using <a href="../doc/areadef.html">proc areadef</a></b> #proc areadef title: Monthly volume per operator rectangle: 1 1 4 4 ...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 09:23, 21 November 2007


  1. set TODATE = 9903

// Set up plotting area using <a href="../doc/areadef.html">proc areadef</a>

  1. proc areadef
 title: Monthly volume per operator
 rectangle: 1 1 4 4
 xscaletype: date yymm
 xrange: 9704 9906
 yrange: 0 600
 xaxis.stubs: inc 1 month
 xaxis.stubformat: M
 xaxis.autoyears: yes
 yaxis.stubs: inc 100
 yaxis.labeldetails: adjust=-0.3,0

// Read and process data file using <a href="../doc/getdata.html">proc getdata</a>

  1. proc getdata
970501                   6       0       0       0      6  
970601                 118       0       0       0    118  
970701                 260     337       0       0    597  
970801                 100     368       0       0    468  
970901                  99     439       0       0    538  
971001                  66     508       0       0    574  
971101                  49     546       0       0    595  
971201                  48     357       0       0    405  
980101                  27     260       0       0    287  
980201                 212     387       0       0    599  
980301                 473      76       0       0    549  
980401                 418     330       0       0    748  
980501                 129     433       0       0    562  
980601                 314     284       0       0    598  
980701                 266     238       0       0    504  
980801                  82     286     365       0    733  
980901                  27     358     394       0    779  
981001                 160     524     412       0   1096  
981101                  86      55     685       0    826  
981201                 192       4     909       0   1105  
990101                 126      20     732      32    910  
990201                 105       0     942      73   1120  
990301                  51       0    1232     403   1686  
990401                   0       0      11       8     19  

// draw bars for steve using <a href="../doc/bars.html">proc bars</a>

  1. proc bars
 lenfield: 2
 locfield: 1
 color: blue
 outline: no
 barsrange: 9704 @TODATE
 legendlabel: Steve
 barwidth: 0.07
 outline: yes
 #saveas B

// render legend using labels defined above <a href="../doc/legend.html">(proc legend)</a>

  1. proc legend
 location: min+0.3 max
 reverseorder: yes
 seglen: 0.3
